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W.c.: 0,9k, again:)

Third person POV:

You woke up once again after 2 hours of sleeping, you turned around a few times trying to get comfortable. As you finally did get comfortable you noticed that Niki started moving too.

You turned your head around to look at him and found him already staring at you with his hair falling into his eyes.

"Did I wake you-", "I didn't sleep," he said in his deep and sleepy voice. "Why didn't you sleep?" you asked and touched his hair. His hair was fluffy and messy, you started to play with his hair and looked into his eyes.

"Mmm, why didn't you sleep Niki? We'll have to wake up soon and you still haven't slept yet," You said and after a few seconds you felt Niki's hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to himself.

"I couldn't sleep. You don't say anything to me for the last week. It's like you're avoiding being with me, or acting like you forgot that we're a couple," Niki said and hugged you, snuggling his face in the crook of your neck. "I didn't forget about us Niki and I'm confused, too confused to explain something to you about what's happening. All I know is that we need to catch that person whoever he is," you said and were about to pull your hand out of Niki's hair, but he stopped you.

"Don't. I've missed these kinds of nights when we both cuddled and talked about what was on our minds..." he said and placed your hand back into his hair. His face was still in the crook of your neck and his hands wrapped around your waist securely. "I love you Niki and I don't want you to think other ways," you said a few minutes later. "I love you too Y/n, I always did and always will," Niki said and you felt how tired he was. "Sleep Niki or I won't sleep too," you said and he responded with a tired hum.

After that neither of you talked, you just lay there in each other's embrace and slowly Niki drifted off to sleep and so did you.

The morning wasn't morning anymore when you got out of bed. Your phone showed 1 pm and the sun was high up already. You turned around and saw Niki peacefully sleeping, pillow in his hands as you got out and he needed to hug someone to sleep.

You walked downstairs and saw the policeman, Heeseung, and Jay talking in the kitchen. Sunoo was also there, cutting some fruits. You stepped into the kitchen and bowed down to the policeman and he bowed too. "Miss Y/n, we checked the cameras and found the man. Turns out that the man is not the same that you had the incidents in childhood. That man and his minions are a long time gone, this is a hater, next level hater. We've been looking for him for over 5 years now. He almost murdered 4 idols 2 years ago and was in jail for a year in a half, but ran away after there was a fire in the jail. The police are searching for him but for now, we only got 1 report about him being next to the park. For your own safety, I think you should take a break from your idol life and not leave home. It would help us to find the man too," the policeman said and you nodded. After you nodded, the policeman didn't say anything else to you so you went to Sunoo to get some fruit.

"Do you want to watch ______ with me? I was planning on watching it with my sister but turns out she already watched it without me so," Sunoo asked. "Of course, I was planning on watching it too," you said and you both sat on the couch.

"So? Did Niki steal a pillow from you or something?" Sunoo asked and you looked at him just to find him staring at you already. "What are you even-"

"I know that Niki slept with you tonight, we all know. Niki told us that he was really worried about you. Jake then told us everything that happened yesterday when you were alone in that room. Niki got afraid that something might happen to you so he stayed up the whole time until you texted him, after you fell asleep he still didn't sleep. I was surprised when we saw him sleeping in your room," Sunoo again said and you blushed. 'That boy really loves me... I can't believe that I have him in my life' you thought to yourself and then heard something breaking in the other part of the house.

Both you and Sunoo got up and ran to check what happened. There was a broken window and on the floor laid a rock with a letter stitched next to it. Jay, Heeseung, and the same policeman ran to the place and as I was about to pick the rock up, the policeman grabbed my hand. "Don't do this, no one touches anything," he said and released my hand. He had gloves on so he picked the rock up and opened the letter. "It says that Y/n won't be safe until she dies..." Jay said out loud after looking at the paper from policeman's hands. "She will be safe," someone said from behind us.

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