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W.c.: 1,0k

The movie was interesting so 30 minutes later you already forgot that you were sitting on Niki's lap. But while you were watching the movie, Niki, on the other hand, was only thinking about you and the plan he had made with his hyungs a few hours ago.

You were trying to understand why something happened in the movie, you were exhausted but then you felt Niki's grip wrap around you tighter. You tensed up and Niki thought it, he then pulled you closer again and whispered in your ear "Relax, just lay back on my chest and rest. I can see that you're tired." His voice was calm and warm so you listened.

You carefully laid back on his chest and then Niki unwrapped one of his hands from your waist and found your hand. He intertwined your hands and then kissed yours.

You were a blushing mess again but tried to act cool and looked back at the screen. Not long after you felt Niki's hand rubbing your tummy. You had a crop top on so you could feel it quickly. The moment his hand started to move, you flinched. "I said relax, I won't hurt you. You know that." Niki said a few seconds later, calming you down a bit. After all that happened, you finally relaxed and not long after fell asleep.

The next morning came and you once again found yourself in your bed. You were expecting Niki to be laying next to you but he wasn't. You got up and went to the bathroom, got ready, and walked downstairs. All of your suitcases were already in the car and all you saw was Sunghoon walking from room to room, searching for something.

Jay as always was in the kitchen drinking water and doing something on his phone while Heeseung and Jake were packing their phone and computer chargers. You sat on one of the chairs when Jungwon walked in and said that we're leaving soon. You knew the time you were supposed to leave but Sunoo told you to rest more yesterday because you can't rest well on the plane.

20 minutes later you all were walking to the car. Jay sat in the front with Heeseung, Sunoo and Jake behind them, Sunghoon and Niki behind Sunoo and Jake, and you with Jungwon in the very back. "Okay, let's go now?" Heeseung asked and we all said yes or nodded.

Niki wasn't happy with the fact that he wasn't sitting next to you but he didn't want to complain now because he knew he will be sitting with you on the plane. The car ride was silent because half of you were still half asleep.

Soon you arrive to the airport. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of people but a few fans and paparazzis were still there. "Okay, let's go, Y/n do you have a hat or something to cover your head?" Jay asked while looking back at you. You smiled and pulled out a black bucket hat from your little bag.

You all got out of the car and went straight to the airport. When you walked in there was more people, fans, paparazzis, all of them were looking and screaming into your faces and everywhere around you.

You hated paparazzi because the flashing lights distracted you and gave you head aches. You were walking behind Jungwon and Heeseung, Niki and Sunghoon walking behind you. The walking places were changing because some of the people were trying to get closer to you guys and something you got pushed a bit.

A girl was trying to get to Jake who was now walking close to you and pushed you really hard. She didn't mean to do that but you lost your balance and we're about to fall down when Niki caught you. The girl apologized and left quickly.

Niki, on the other hand, didn't let go of you. No one knew about your relationship so you were scared that people will get suspicious and tried to push Niki away slowly. He did let go of you than but didn't leave your side.

The rest of the walk was hard but nothing bad happened and soon you were on the plane already.

You sat in your seat, lucky you got a seat next to the window. You saw Heesung and Sunoo going further to the front and sat 2 seats away from you. Sunghoon sat right behind you and Jungwon next to Sunghoon. Jay and Jake sat in front of you. That left you and Niki.

Niki sat next to you and you were surprised that he was the one to be sitting with you out of all 7 boys. But you didn't have enough energy to start a discussion so you just left it like that. You closed your eyes and tried to relax.

Later, when the plane started to move, you opened your eyes and not even feeling it, grabbed Niki's arm that was next to you. He was in a state of worry and confusion when his head turned to look at you.

Niki didn't know that you were scared of flying. It sound stupid because idols go to different countries by mostly planes, but this isn't something that people can control, right? But even though Niki didn't know about your fear, he understood it real quick.

A few seconds later you felt how your and Nikis hands intertwined and looked at him. He was looking at you with a small smile on his lips. When it finally hit you that you're in public, you let go of Niki's hand and pulled your hand closer to yourself.

Not wanting to freak out even more, you closed your eyes shut and started to take deep breaths. Not even 10 seconds later you felt your hand being taken and once again intertwined with the blond boys that was sitting next to you.

This time you didn't let go because the plane started to take off. You squeezed Niki's hand and he pulled you by your side closer to himself. The next thing you felt was Niki talking sweet nothings in your ear just to make you relax. And it worked.

But what you didn't know was that someone was watching you two the whole time...

I started writing this yesterday in the morning and ended today in the morning. My back still hurts from the trip and it has been 3 days now since it ended😭😭

✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now