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"Okay, so today we'll do a group live, all together," Jungwon said to all of us and we all nodded. It has been 5 days since I heard his voice and now everything seemed fine, the boys told me to tell him if I saw or heard the man ever again.

"What about my and Y/n's relationship? Should we tell the fans about it or-" Niki got cut off by our manager "Do whatever you want. You can tell but I don't know if everything will go smoothly after you'll announce it," he said and I nodded. "Okay, we'll start the live in like... 15 or 20 minutes so go and get ready," Heeseung said, and we all got up and went to get ready. I didn't leave the room and went to the mirror to fix my makeup.

After a few minutes, I noticed that I wasn't the only one in the room. In the shadows there was a man, dressed up all in black, looking directly at me. "Ummm, Sunghoon? Niki? Is that any of you guys?" No one responded.

The figure started moving and after a few seconds, he lifted his hands. One of the sleeves fell from his wrist and I saw a tattoo. It was a number 8 made from a snake (I hope you understood). Suddenly we both heard steps outside and the man fast looked from me to the door, then back to me. "Just wait," was the only thing he said before disappearing into a thin air.

The door opened and then Jake came in. "Y/n, is everything okay?" he asked after he saw tears in my eyes. I didn't say anything and Jake came next to me and hugged me. "What happened?" he softly asked and played with my hair. "H-he was her-here..." I said and hugged him tightly. I didn't want to cry because we have to do live soon.

Jake pulled away soon and looked into my eyes. "We'll start the live soon so I think we shouldn't tell anything to the others now, sit next to me during the live  okay?" he said and I nodded. I once again fixed my makeup and then me and Jake headed to the room we had to do the live in.

"Okay we'll start in 5 minutes, everyone sit and we'll fix the camera," one of the staff said and we did as told. Niki was sure that I'll sit next to him but then I sat next to Jake he got confused. Jake sat next to me which means that he was the only person separating me from Niki.

Eventually, Niki got up and walked to my side, "Move," he said and me and Jake moved. Niki then sat next to me.

(Siting plan)

[Jay, Jake, Y/n, Niki, Sunghoon]

[Sunoo, Heeseung, Jungwon]

"Why didn't you sit next to me?" Niki asked me silently.

✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now