Chapter 1

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What I forgot in the intro:

The story is a "slow burn" story, which means there won't be adult content anytime soon, it builds slowly. So please don't be impatient.😉

Rosalyn hurried the last few meters along the sidewalk until she arrived at the imposing front gate

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Rosalyn hurried the last few meters along the sidewalk until she arrived at the imposing front gate. Reluctantly, she pushed open the unlocked, metal lattice door and climbed the few stairs while rummaging in her large coat pocket for the front door key. With clammy fingers, she took the key and used it to open the heavy security door of the London mansion.

Quickly she slipped inside and immediately locked it again behind her. Unmotivated, she put her briefcase on the rack so she could take off her coat and thick winter boots. The weather was impossible; the buses had taken forever to get through the chaos on the roads today. It had snowed a few inches during the night and the otherwise gray metropolis was covered in a thin white blanket of snow that would surely be nothing but a dirty mass of snow by afternoon.

As quietly as possible, she picked up her bag again and crept up to the office door. She didn't want to disturb or even wake up the occupants of the small villa. "Damn it," she muttered, upset, as she looked over the desk. There was plenty of work waiting for her again, as she could immediately see with a routine glance. Whether it was film, interview or theater requests, there was simply no end to it. Ever since her client took part in a multi-part film project, his name recognition had taken on immeasurable proportions.

Rosalyn had been working as an assistant for Alan Rickman for almost two years, helping his manager to organize the many requests. Their encounter had come about by pure chance, but for her it seemed in the meantime to have been rather an evil fate, which had brought them both together. She was employed by a large agency that organized appointments and similar matters for a number of actors, including celebrities. When her predecessor quit, she filled the vacant position. Rosalyn quickly found out why her colleague had been relocated.

Mary. Actually, everything was said with that one word.

Mary was Alan's life partner and a terrible woman. Her mood swung back and forth between unfounded jealousy and general unfriendliness. She had been wondering how the famous actor could stand living with this fury ever since she started working here.

She would have liked to have a hot coffee now to chase away the morning icy cold, but she did not dare to go into the kitchen at this time. Who knows, maybe she would wake up the sleeping monster. The situation here was more than tricky and the will to continue working with Alan was getting less and less every day. In the meantime, she thought daily about quitting, just like her predecessor, or at least trying to get another client. How that already sounded, she reflected sadly. Alan was now so much more to her than just a famous actor, even if he had never given her any hope; after all, he was taken. In the meantime, she had to be careful not to look like one of the fangirls and obviously adore him during every long conversation. My God, he was also extremely attractive and the fact that he was a little over 50 didn't bother her at all.

Exhausted by all her thoughts and everlasting feelings for him, she sat down at the table and surveyed the chaos spread out in front of her. After thinking again, she decided to take the risk of getting a coffee. Because if she was going to survive this day by half, she needed a big dose of caffeine right now.

If she was going to quit anyway, she wouldn't have to give any more consideration to the old dragon named Mary. Alan had really grown on her, but she could still hardly stand it. Quietly she made her way into the kitchen, went to the coffee maker and filled the empty container with fresh water. Along the way, she checked to make sure there were enough coffee beans in the grinder chamber.

Rosalyn knew that it didn't suit Mary at all to be in her private rooms. But she didn't see fit to bring her own coffee. Besides, Alan had given her explicit permission to be in the kitchen at any time. How that already sounded, "allowed" such a ridiculous thing, really unbelievable.

When she had done everything, she switched on the machine. Meanwhile, she went to the kitchen cupboard, opened it and took out one of the precious china cups. Mary had very exquisite taste in furnishings; Alan, on the other hand, didn't care whether he drank from a paper cup or a 200-pound sterling coffee cup. Rosalyn fervently hoped that the loud grinding noise of the coffee machine could not be heard all the way upstairs. Lost in thought, she watched the hot brew run into the cup. As soon as the brewing process was finished, she took her drink and sniffed it with pleasure. Behind her back, a dark baritone voice suddenly sounded. Alan startled her so much with his unexpected presence that the coffee mug slipped from her hand. "Shit!" she exclaimed, upset, "now this expensive thing has slipped from my fingers, too!" Fortunately for her, none of the hot coffee had landed on her clothes.

"Good morning, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Alan affirmed, now stepping closer to see exactly what had happened.

What a huge mess! Rosalyn didn't know whether to laugh or cry right now; after all, a swanky mug had just been broken. She collected her thoughts for a few seconds, then said to Alan, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break any of the expensive items. Please write me a bill, I'll pay for it."

"Don't be silly Rosalyn," Alan determined, "I'm glad you didn't spill the hot drink on your clothing. Come on, let's clean up the remains. Mary won't notice if one of those unnecessary things is missing." He gave her an encouraging look and now began to collect the first shards. "Besides, I don't really like these cups anyway," he said to her conspiratorially, grinning mischievously at her.

He didn't believe it himself, she thought to herself, staring into his brown eyes. She couldn't return his smile right now, because this witch would surely know by now that one of her trinkets had been broken, even before she had really seen it. She didn't want to answer his statement anymore and started to remove the mess in front of them. They almost made it, but when the door opened and Mary stepped into the room, Rosalyn's fears had come true and an awkward situation was sure to arise in a moment.

"What was that noise just now?" the latter asked pointedly. Only when she had stepped completely into the kitchen did she notice his assistant. Immediately the expression of her face changed and she stared angrily at her. "What have you done? You'll have to pay for that!" the older woman immediately nagged in her direction.

"I just offered your husband to pay for the damage!" she now replied unkindly to her. Because Rosalyn knew that she had to answer for it. But she didn't see why the conversation couldn't be conducted in normal colloquial language.

"That's the least you have to do. But please go to the office now and do the job you're supposed to be here for!" continued Mary's grumbling.

Rosalyn was in such a rage over the humiliating treatment that she would have loved to ruin another cup. The morning had already started terribly, she hadn't even gotten her coffee. It would be better if she left right now.

Alan now interfered as well and said to his assistant, "Come on, you better go next door already. I'll fix the rest for you." He didn't want to say more on the subject, at least not in front of his wife. An uncomfortable feeling spread through him and he found his wife's behavior inappropriate. They had more than enough money and he could pay for this ugly cup with his change. For his assistant, on the other hand, it would be a huge cut in her salary and he would not allow her to have to pay for it.

 For his assistant, on the other hand, it would be a huge cut in her salary and he would not allow her to have to pay for it

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now