Chapter 4

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She had to let the agency know, whether she liked it or not, after all this misery

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She had to let the agency know, whether she liked it or not, after all this misery. Better today than tomorrow, because who knows, maybe Alan had already complained about her and her moody manner. She didn't understand at all why he had reacted that way. He had always been so friendly to her, even if it appeared that she seemed unimpressive to him, or that he even overlooked her. On the one hand, he didn't have to pay attention to her; after all, she was only an employee and ultimately there to enter the appointments for him and his manager. That was certainly the reason why he didn't see her as more than a necessary burden that took care of the tasks that came up. His colleagues were more highly placed than she, after all they shared the same love and passion for acting. Besides, she certainly couldn't keep up intellectually with all those personalities.

My God, actually, she had been a fool. Why had she let herself get carried away? Why the hell had she made her statement about Mary? Alan's opinion of her must have reached subterranean proportions by now.

Rosalyn had already taken a long walk because her thoughts had so taken her. In the meantime, she had arrived in front of a "café to go". She quickly ordered her hot drink and waited impatiently for it to be handed to her through the window. In the meantime, she put the coins on the tray so that she could move on immediately. The hot coffee warmed her cold fingers pleasantly and the walk through the snowy park felt cozier as a result. Small snowflakes danced through the bare branches of the old, thick trees as she continued her walk more slowly now.

Once again, her thoughts began to spin in circles. Shit, what had she done. How was she supposed to justify her unprofessional behavior to her employer? Full of anxiety and self-doubt, she pulled her cell phone out of her coat pocket and called her agency. She took the remaining days off that week so she could reassess her situation. Likewise, she asked for an appointment because she wanted to talk about her future at the company. She did not like to discuss such serious matters over the phone. When she hung up and slid her cell phone back into her coat pocket, she first allowed herself a large sip of the coffee, which had meanwhile reached a drinkable temperature.

The longer she thought about the current situation, the more she realized that she didn't want to do this job all her life. She had been lucky with Alan, before him she had handled a client who was not so friendly to her and who knows which one she would be assigned in the future if the company did not kick her out the door. Rosalyn finished the last sip of her drink in one go and tossed the empty cup into the nearest trash can. Automatically, she buried her hands in her deep side pockets and quickened her pace, for by now she had grown cold. She would buy some more groceries so she wouldn't have to leave her apartment for the rest of the week.


Alan stepped out of the London building, exhausted, and looked up at the sky he could see between the huge buildings. Small snowflakes fell on his gray hair, colorful scarf and on his black coat. Although he had had an extremely positive meeting, he felt empty and his usual drive was absent. He didn't know why, but the morning's situation with Rosalyn left him equally unrested. Actually, he should have called her agency, but he preferred to try to talk to her again. In the meantime, his anger had faded and his thoughts became clearer. Maybe they could find a solution together. Possibly she could also do her chores at her home so that she would no longer have any contact with Mary. Alan realized that Rosalyn was actually right. His wife had a difficult character and it had happened often enough that she attacked his assistant without any reason, because she had never been guilty of anything.

He would probably have to fight for Rosalyn if he wanted to continue to have her around. He felt ready for the challenge. He would come up with a battle plan if she didn't show up for work tomorrow. He would also seek her out at her apartment. He planned to go through whatever avenues necessary to get her to give him a second chance. Although it was somewhat of a risk for Alan to go out in public, he would still dare to do it for his assistant. His mind was made up. With renewed vigor, he made his way to his parked car and got in. But before he would drive home, he would pay a visit to the overpriced home furnishings store so he could buy several of those ugly mugs for Mary. Who knows, maybe one of those £200 mugs would accidentally slip out of his hands, too, he reflected maliciously.


Rosalyn had arrived at her small apartment by now and was putting away the few groceries she had bought. She had been out in the cold for so long, she really needed a warming tea. She immediately filled her kettle full and turned it on. While waiting for the water to begin boiling, she picked up her briefcase and emptied the contents onto her dining room table. As she sorted through the pieces of paper she had carelessly stuffed inside, it occurred to her that she had accidentally taken a letter intended for Alan. "What a load of crap!" she grumbled aloud to herself, "I'll either send him the thing or throw it in his mailbox, because it would be better if we never met again."

Grumbling to herself, Rosalyn carelessly left the rest of the papers on the table, stepped up to her cupboard and pulled out a large porcelain cup. She took out a tea bag of the newly purchased ginger - orange flavor, hung it in the cup and poured the steaming water into it. Together with the hot drink she went to her living room to make herself comfortable. Today she would not worry about her future or how it would go with her now, she thought stubbornly and turned on the TV to distract herself.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and for the stars you have already left. ❤


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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now