Chapter 11

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He didn't know what had happened in those few minutes, but something had changed, but he didn't want to dwell on it, "Of course it can work, after all, it has worked so far and if you work from here in the future, you'll have your peace from Mary

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He didn't know what had happened in those few minutes, but something had changed, but he didn't want to dwell on it, "Of course it can work, after all, it has worked so far and if you work from here in the future, you'll have your peace from Mary." The day had already been long and the daily arguments with his wife were wearing him down as well. The new assistant who had been there today had also stressed him out. Slowly, it was all getting to be too much for him. "Assuming you still want to be employed by me at all, I'm not so sure myself by now, if that's how you react," he continued, his undertone having become biting.

Rosalyn would have liked to throw him out the door again, just like yesterday. But if she worked from home, at least she could avoid him completely. After all, he wouldn't come to her specifically to discuss a few appointments with her; they could easily do that over the phone. She tried to calm down, after all, she didn't want to argue with Alan again. "If I work from here, it should be fine, and we could do our daily calls briefly on the cell phone."

He took a big gulp of red wine to calm his nerves. What had happened? For what reason had they not been getting along so well lately? What had actually gone wrong? That Mary was unkind to his assistant was nothing new and that alone could not be the problem why the mood between them had changed. Again he looked into her eyes and tried to figure out what it was. It seemed hours had passed when the two were pulled out of their spell by a ringing at the door.

Rosalyn was snapped out of her reverie, she had been so caught up in Alan's brown eyes that she hadn't even noticed how time had slipped away. "That must be the delivery service," quickly she went to the intercom next to her apartment door to open for the delivery man. It wasn't long before the messenger stepped out of the elevator and handed them the food. The delicious aroma of Italian herbs and fresh garlic wafted towards her, only now did she realize how hungry she had become.

Alan followed her immediately, as he wanted to pay for the food, but the delivery man told him that the order had already been written on his monthly bill and that he therefore did not have to pay the sum. Nevertheless, he did not miss the opportunity to present the young man with an appropriate tip. He didn't give any further thought to whether there might be a problem with the receipt because it had his assistant's address on it. Alan watched Rosalyn take the containers and carry them into the kitchen. He immediately closed the front door behind him and went right after her.

She quickly retrieved the silverware and plates for the meal from the cupboards and brought everything to the table so they could finally get started. She took a generous sip of the wine to get her mind off things. Actually, she didn't feel like it at all, because she didn't even want to know which of them was Mary's favorite, but hunger prevailed.

Alan began to open the food containers and the wonderful aroma of Italian food rose even more intensely. He looked expectantly at his assistant, but she didn't really seem to react to the delicacies. "Come on, let's eat already, I'm very hungry," he said to her, hoping to maybe get a reaction from her, but his efforts were in vain.

Rosalyn pulled herself together, after all she had to eat something today. She looked at the food extensively and decided to take from the stuffed ravioli, which was doused with cream sauce. She scooped a small portion onto her plate and took the packet of Parmesan cheese, opened it and sprinkled some on her meal. "It smells delicious," she said absently, her mind suspended in a world of its own. Fortunately, she didn't know which dish was his wife's favorite. For Alan had placed the food containers so that she could take from both dishes. Silently they ate side by side, the time seemed to pass only slowly, because the mood did not improve, only the clattering of cutlery filled the small kitchen, otherwise no word was spoken. In the meantime, Rosalyn had finished her red wine. However, she refrained from refilling it, after all, she was determined to keep a clear head. "The meal was excellent Alan, thank you for the invitation," she said to him after she had finished her meal and leaned back against the chair to wait until he had finished eating as well.

"I'm glad you liked it and that I met your taste," he said happily, because he didn't realize that he'd offended her with his choice. "Do you want another sip of wine? There would be enough in the bottle," he asked attentively, pointing to it to give more expression to his question. But his assistant only shook her head in denial and continued to avoid his gaze. Thoughtfully he looked at Rosalyn, he would have liked to ask what was bothering her, but he suspected that it would not be such a good idea to ask her about her private feelings now.

As if he knew her tastes. He had no idea what she preferred, she mused bitterly, sinking further into her murky thoughts. He had simply ordered his wife's dish. She would have loved to throw that at him, but they were two grown adults and if he didn't notice his own faux pas, then she couldn't help him. What could you expect from a married man, after all, he was just a client to her, nothing more. Why should he bother with that, or worry about what her eating habits were. Rosalyn tried to forget the whole circumstance, it was childish and immature of her to continue thinking about this incident and yet she could not let it go.

 Rosalyn tried to forget the whole circumstance, it was childish and immature of her to continue thinking about this incident and yet she could not let it go

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now