Chapter 9

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Alan was already in his office when the doorbell rang

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Alan was already in his office when the doorbell rang. It must have been the new assistant, after all, she didn't have a key yet, which is why she couldn't get into the villa. In truth, he had no intention of ever handing it to her, because only Rosalyn was allowed to have it. In a bad mood, he opened the security door and faced the older woman standing in front of him. "Good morning," he said in a dark voice and let her enter.

"Good morning Mister Rickman," the lady replied nervously to him, fiddling with her thick winter jacket and looking around hesitantly.

He knew that he looked imposing, which was not only due to his size. He could still remember exactly when Rosalyn had rung his doorbell. It had seemed to him then as if the sun had risen at his door. Alan already knew that the new assistant didn't suit him. But if he was honest with himself, no one had a chance anyway. The agency could suggest 20 more people to him, there would be none who could replace Rosalyn. He got back to the basics and now said to the older lady, "Come with me, I'll show you your workplace." Immediately he felt the woman was an intruder, even though she had done nothing wrong at all. Perhaps it would be better in the future not to have the office at home after all. Somehow he understood Mary's views now and why she didn't want a strange person walking around in her private rooms. By now it had become evening and Alan was glad the woman had left. No, this lady would not come again, he would rather go on alone for the rest of the days.

Actually, a meeting with some of Mary's friends was planned for today, but he had absolutely no desire to do so. Besides, if he was honest, he wanted to take a bottle of good red wine and go to Rosalyn's. He couldn't wait for the whole weekend, he needed to know right away. He needed to know if she would continue to be his assistant, because he wouldn't be able to stand not having her around anymore. He didn't really plan to chase after her, but damn it, he needed her. When Rosalyn wasn't present, something was missing, the feeling of being home. Today had been grueling and he was completely exhausted. Alan went upstairs to find Mary, after all, he wanted to work something out with her now. When he finally found her in the bedroom, he said to her: "I'm sorry, but I can't go to our friends today, I have to do something urgent for the production company, I got a call earlier. I hope you're not mad at me." Alan felt sleazy for lying to his wife, he didn't know why he had become like this. Certainly she was not an easy person and yet she did not deserve to be lied to.

Mary looked at him questioningly, after all she didn't understand at all why he cancelled a long-planned get-together so spontaneously. "Since when do you also work in the evenings, apart from theater performances of course? But please Alan, if it's so important, more important than me and our friends, don't let me stop you. However, I don't excuse your absence and I don't know when I'll be back home, I don't take any notice of you, after all, you're dumping me!" she now said angrily to him and looked back in the mirror to put on her expensive earrings. Stubbornly she stared into her reflection, because she didn't want to look at her partner anymore, after all he was to blame for her dissatisfaction. Because of his celebrity, her own life was suffering and she could hardly walk down the street without being harassed. Alan was responsible for the fact that she could no longer move freely. Pushy fans constantly lurked in stores, hoping to find her husband nearby. But most of all, she was bothered by his assistant, whom her husband looked at with amorous eyes, just as he had once looked at her. Again, as so many times before, jealousy welled up in her. Of course, she couldn't keep up with this young brat, who was certainly 20 years younger than Alan.

Rickman looked at his wife. "It's all right, I'll apologize to them myself, and thank you for going anyway and not letting it spoil your mood just because I don't have time on the spur of the moment," in truth he was glad as hell that she didn't cancel, after all he wouldn't stay at home either, but Mary didn't really need to know that. He already knew that there would be a huge fuss if she found out what he was really up to. Fortunately, she had no idea that Rosalyn had theoretically quit her job with him. Without thinking twice, he made his way downstairs and looked for a bottle of red wine on the shelf. This he set down in an inconspicuous place so Mary would not notice. He paced impatiently in the kitchen, continuing to think about tonight. What would Rosalyn suspect if he suddenly appeared at her door with a wine? One day with a foreign assistant had been enough to know whose presence he did not want to lose at any price.

Mary looked at herself once more in the large mirror and made her way downstairs. She had dressed up and topped it off with expensive jewelry that Alan had given her for various occasions over the years. When she arrived in the kitchen and saw her husband standing there, she said to him, "I hope your evening won't be too boring, after all, you could certainly think of something better to do than anything for the production company."

"Don't worry," he said to her and was already about to turn away, but when she stepped closer and demanded a kiss from him, he habitually gave her one, but he felt nothing about it. "Have a nice evening and tell them my warm greetings. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. I'll invite our friends to dinner next time." Alan waited a little longer until he could be sure Mary would not return. He took the bottle of red wine and made his way to his assistant.

Rosalyn had already made herself comfortable for the evening, showered and put on a jogging suit. Just as she was thinking about what she wanted to eat today, there was a knock at the apartment door. She was not expecting anyone. She would have preferred not to respond at all, but in the end she was too curious, so she went into the hallway to answer it.

 She would have preferred not to respond at all, but in the end she was too curious, so she went into the hallway to answer it

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now