Chapter 23

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Alan now wrapped his arms around her body as well and pulled her closer

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Alan now wrapped his arms around her body as well and pulled her closer. "I'm glad to have you here. It was only when you stopped coming to the office that I realized how much I need your presence near me, I need you like the air I breathe," he spoke to her. Slowly he leaned forward while looking devotedly into Rosalyn's eyes. Gently, he placed his lips on hers, enjoying the feeling of finally kissing her. He had imagined this moment several times before, but nothing could compare to reality. Reality seemed to dissolve around him as he deepened the kiss and their tongues touched. A dark growl escaped Alan as her hand moved further to caress his neck. For a long time he had missed physical closeness and passionate moments, he enjoyed every second of it. He wanted to let himself fall, to lose himself in it completely.

Rosalyn would never have dared to hope to ever kiss the actor outside of her dreams, and yet it was happening right at this moment. His closeness drove her crazy, his attraction was magical. Her whole body was tingling and his previous statement was like a confession of love for her. She would have loved to get down to business with him right away, but she wanted to leave this step to Alan. When he also moaned into the kiss, it was finally over for her. The intimate moment seemed much too short when he slowly detached himself from her.

Wordlessly they stood facing each other, at the moment no one could really realize what had just happened. Rosalyn was the first to wake up from her rigidity and take off her coat, since she had not had the opportunity to do so until now. She hung the piece of clothing up in the wardrobe and took off her shoes. Then she stepped back next to Alan, who was still standing in place. Just then, a wide variety of thoughts were raining down on her as she looked up at him, into his trusting eyes that were gazing lovingly at her. She would enjoy the entire weekend, who knew if they could ever repeat something like this. Not a moment would she waste thinking about coming troubles that would surely come their way.

"What do you think about a cup of tea? I could make us a pot, we could sit comfortably in the living room with it," Alan asked into the silence that had arisen, holding his hand out to her.

Without hesitation, she put her hand in his and let him take her to the kitchen. "Sounds like a good plan," Rosalyn replied. Curious, she watched the actor prepare on a tray, cups, sugar and other items while the water began to boil. No sooner had he finished putting on the tea and activated the timer than he turned back in her direction.

"I'm going to break up with Mary, just like I said. I have been thinking about it thoroughly for the last few days. In fact, I have been thinking about the whole future. I want to change my life, I don't want to be just an actor, I also need a fulfilling existence in my personal life. The present has so much more to offer than just being in movies," Alan began to explain his situation. "I can't predict how it will develop between us, I just know that I would like to try. Of course, the divorce would have to be finalized first before we could officially be together, if you can even imagine a relationship with me."

Rosalyn looked toward Alan. Apparently, the actor had already included her in his plans for the future, otherwise he wouldn't have been so direct. Immediately, mixed feelings arose, but she couldn't let that happen now under any circumstances. At first it sounded tempting to be by his side in the future, but could she live with all the consequences that this relationship would bring? Of course she loved Alan, and if she were honest with him, he would surely find a quick solution to her job problem, but did she want that? Could she even live up to a person like him, would she be able to exist next to him permanently? Quickly, she interrupted her musings. "I think we should use this weekend to figure out how to proceed in the future." She had worded her statement as neutrally as possible, wanting to keep all options open.

"You're right, of course, we should take it slow," Rickman replied, looking disappointed.

"It doesn't have to be that slow," she countered, stepping up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck to engage the actor in a passionate kiss. Only when the time clock rang did they disengage from each other.

Alan finished preparing the tea and went into the adjoining living room with the tray, followed by his assistant.

The two of them had been sitting comfortably on the sofa for some time, Rosalyn was eating her last piece of shortbread, followed by a sip of Earl Gray. She leaned back against Alan's shoulder, their conversation had fallen silent a while ago, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. Words weren't always necessary to enjoy the evening together. She stroked his thigh and looked into his eyes. "I'm glad we're spending time together, away from the daily grind of work."

"I hope we can meet regularly in the future, I want you near me as often as possible," he said in response, putting his arm around her, pulling her to him and kissing her eagerly. He wanted more from her, just kissing her was not enough for him. The French kiss became more and more passionate, Alan slipped his fingers under her blouse and massaged her skin underneath.

Rosalyn didn't stay idle and began unbuttoning Alan's shirt to stroke his exposed chest. She could hardly wait to feel all of him. By now they were halfway lying on the sofa when he undid the first buttons of her blouse and began kissing her neck. His lips left hot marks on her sensitive skin, making her moan, her fingers buried in his silver hair. The situation became more and more passionate, whereupon Alan bumped his head on the back of the couch. A quiet curse escaped his lips, making them both laugh. "I think it's better if we go to the guest room," he suggested, since the sofa was too small for him anyway.

"I'll follow you anywhere," Rosalyn said in response and got up to go with him to the upper floor.

"I'll follow you anywhere," Rosalyn said in response and got up to go with him to the upper floor

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now