Chapter 12

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After they finished eating and putting away the dirty dishes, Alan finally wanted to get down to the real business of talking to her about the professional situation

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After they finished eating and putting away the dirty dishes, Alan finally wanted to get down to the real business of talking to her about the professional situation. "Rosalyn, I have to ask you now if you already know how we are going to continue this? Will you come back to me from Monday, respectively will you continue working for me? I mean from your apartment, of course," he corrected himself, after all, she wouldn't be going back to his place.

"I think it would only be fair if I gave it another chance, after all it's only up to Mary," she lied to him. Because she probably had a hard time telling him that it was mostly up to him. She had hopes that it would make her see him much less often when she was working from here.

Alan was pleased with the outcome of the meeting, although he was not entirely comfortable with it. For now, he would have to make do with the current situation; after all, she would remain available to him. "Thank you for your time, but I think it's better if I leave you alone for today and let you enjoy the rest of your vacation," he concluded the conversation and slowly got up from his chair.

If it had been up to Rosalyn's true feelings, she would have gladly spent more hours with him. On the other hand, she was glad when he would leave now. It felt strange to have a famous actor in her apartment. All of London knew this man, it would only be a matter of time before someone discovered him here and then she wouldn't have a quiet minute. Therefore, starting next week, she would tell him that he was not allowed to visit her in her apartment, because she really wanted to avoid being besieged or harassed by strangers. "It's really better if we call it a day, I'm tired already too," she replied to that, slowly getting up and putting her wine glass in the sink.

Alan would have liked to stay longer, but he realized that it was inappropriate to continue to keep her from a relaxing evening. He also realized that she wanted to get rid of him, at least that's what his gut was telling him. "Anyway, have a nice weekend and I'll talk to you on Monday," he said and slowly walked down the hall to the coat rack so he could put on his shoes and jacket.

Rosalyn followed him and opened the apartment door for him to leave. "Good night," she said curtly. As soon as he stepped out, she locked the door behind him without looking at him again. Completely exhausted, she leaned against the front door and took a few deep breaths. "I wonder if this can go well?" she muttered quietly to herself. At least now she had a weekend to herself. So she could think about how she would arrange it in the future to have as few points of contact with him as possible.

Rickman stood in the hallway of the apartment complex, staring at the now closed door, until he realized it was time to go home. While he didn't think Mary would be back soon, he didn't want to risk anything. He made his way back to his villa and continued to think about how he should deal with his assistant in the future. He felt far too comfortable in her apartment and he was ashamed of the fact that he didn't really want to go home. He would have preferred to drink the rest of the remaining wine with her and talk to her about less strenuous topics of conversation.

Standing at home in his kitchen, Alan took a wine from the shelf and opened it. He would need a second glass now so that his inappropriate thoughts toward Rosalyn would disappear. He filled the expensive crystal glass to the brim. Alan left the rest of the wine carelessly on the sideboard and went into the living room with the glass in his hand. He turned on the television and turned on some documentary that he paid no attention to at all. He sipped the wine thoughtfully, enjoying the feeling of heaviness and how the rich red wine slowly clouded his thoughts.

The actor was startled out of his confused dream when he heard the front door of his villa slam loudly into the lock. For a brief moment he had to collect himself until he could recognize the silhouette of his wife Mary and knew again where he was. "Good evening," his wife's voice shrilled in Alan's ears, "well, was your work so exhausting that you only made it as far as the sofa, or have you had too much to drink again?" His eyes narrowed, he regarded his long-time partner with annoyance, and continued to wait. From the tone of her voice, it was clear that there would surely be another argument today. Mary was just asking for it, provoking Alan every day. Perhaps she hoped that one day he would completely snap.

"Of course I'm drunk, what do you think?" he asked snarkily, slurring his words deliberately. His wife wouldn't realize anyway that he was leading her straight around by the nose and only faking his drunkenness for her.

"You're disgusting!" shouted Mary at her husband. "It's best you stay by the sofa for today. I don't want you in bed next to me in this condition at all," she added crossly, and immediately made her way upstairs.

Only when his wife's footsteps had faded away, Alan took a deep breath and sat up. What had happened in the last few years? Maybe he should talk to her, he thought disappointedly. Of course, it wasn't easy to live with him, after all, Mary had to follow his schedule most of the time, but on the other hand, he earned well and was thus able to provide her with a carefree existence. He preferred to spend the night here on the couch anyway, at least that way there would be no arguments. They only bickered about absolutely ridiculous things anyway. Whether it was just a sock that had been forgotten on the floor or a wine glass that he had simply left in the living room ... So many things didn't make sense, maybe he should go out with her alone to calm the mood between them again.


If you haven't had enough of Alan today, feel free to stop by Sonya's short story 

"The Romance Lounge"



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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now