Serving time... in UA?

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     "You do realise you would be spending close to 74 years in prison for these charges right?"

Huh? I finally look down at the small rodent sitting infront of me. The truth is I haven't listened to a single word they have said so far.

"Or you could perform community service watched over by yours truly~" the rat said as he slowly sips a cup of tea. I tap the ground with my foot as I stared at the rat. To be honest I was wondering how long he could sip the tea without stopping as I counted.

"Alright. I'll sweeten the deal just a bit. Once a week you can visit that park you seem so fond of how does that sound" 18 seconds. "I have nothing to do anyway. Plus the league just sort of left me sooo"

A firm nod answers the rat's proposal as they clap I'm response. "Wonderful! We shall begin immediately~ if you would be so kind as to follow me!" The rat know as principle Nezu hops off his chair as he presses a button.

The 4 large concrete blocks on the Nomu's hands and feet explode freeing the criminal. They rub their wrist and ankles before following the much smaller being into a large steel elevator. "Ground floor please. It's the one with the G1 print" with a bit of a smirk the Nomu slides their hand over all the buttons.

Nezu simply sighs

"Well. I guess since we have the time now I might aswell explain. Since you were captured by our heros/teachers the government was lenient with us. I assured them you could be properly handled which is why you were currently being held about 10 miles underground below UA campus." "Ok now I regret clicking all the buttons"

*Timeskip 1 hour of elevator music*

The elevator finally dings as the two walk out. It was very awkward to say the least but Nezu guided the Nomu through the school. "I'm sure this will be a very fun experiment! I'm sure you will recognize them and I hope you enjoy your class. Class 1-A"

As they walk through the doors just then the Nomu fully realises what that means. "Peppermint" "YOU SAID NO VILLAINS AIZAWA!" The entire class shouted as Y/n covered their ears and looked at the bandaged figure.... crap it's the hero they malled

"Enjoy Aizawa!" The rat then left leaving the Nomu inside a class that is now in fighting positions. "Soooo~ what now?"

"Everyone calm down. This is a criminal who is serving their time as of right now. 4 years of community service by attending this school until they graduate. Don't worry one messup and they are put on ice. Literally"

Y/n catches the slight glare given to them by the teacher. "Until then their is a empty seat next to Tokoyami" following the teachers stare the Nomu finds the seat and looks over.
"Is this my brother?" Tokoyami could only stare down at his paper as he felt the Nomu's eyes staring him down.

Aizawa has seemingly gone back to sleep with his injuries tiring him out. Instead of normally talking and walking to their groups the class could only watch this strange interaction

Only when a pink girl breaks their sight does the Nomu stop staring at Tokoyami and instead the girl. "Hi I'm Mina Ashido nice to meet you!" Mina stuck out her hand for the villain to shake as she nervously smiles at them. Tokoyami simply lets out the breath he was holding as he stared at his savior "Thank you for your sacrifice":

A firm grasp grabs her hand and shakes it. This seemingly breaks the tension in the air as everyone begins to talk again before Mina gives Y/n company

"So it's pretty crazy how you went toe to toe with Allmight! I thought you actually were about to win!?" "Because I was" Y/n nods at her statement as she rambles on and on trying to by time for her class and diffuse the situation.

"Wait I just realised something!" Mina looks between Tokoyami and Y/n rapidly before pointing at the two of them. "Are you two related or something?" "Mina you shouldn't assume such things!"

A sudden tall gentleman with glasses comes up chopping the air at Mina. "Sorry Iida. It's just look at them! Their bird bros!!!" As the two began to argue a sudden peppermint headed boy suddenly widened his eyes as he glared at the two bird people

"Is this class always like this? If so this might not be so bad!" Getting excited by the classes antics Y/n wonders what other antics they can make. They then spot a green haired boy mumbling as they move over towards them

*Izuku pov*

It was crazy. Completely out of the blue. Why all of a sudden was a villain attending this school all of a sudden!?

I looked over and spotted them talking to Mina. Well more like Mina was talking to them and they were listening. I began to mumble trying to plan someway to protect everyone if the Nomu suddenly attacked.

"I only have 4 hits I could do before I am completely helpless." As I begin to panic and look down at my notebook I felt a weight on my lap. I look down only to see the very thing I was planning to defeat laying It's head on my..........lap

"Eh....." I was frozen. I didn't know what to do besides out of reaction put my hand on It's neck and pat it. "Nice Nomu. If I freak out it might kill me! If I don't....." looking for help I look up to Aizawa and only see the zipped up sleeping bag

"Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak ou-"


Hearing the bell the Nomu sits up seemingly dissatisfied. I let out a sigh of relief as I try to hurry to get out when Uraraka begins to walk with me. "Hey why was the Nomu laying on your lap?" "I-I was hopeing nobody noticed. I don't know though" Uraraka then begins to laugh "Maybe it thought you were a tree?

I genuinely give that theory a thought before brushing it off. "Just because they have a bird head doesn't make them a bird? Their is no way they think I'm a tree............... right???" As I go to exit I am suddenly blocked by a horde of students.

*Y/n pov*

As I stared out at the horde of students I saw a few look back at me. Only one caught my eye however a tired looking student with purple hair. He said some stuff that I couldn't hear because of the other students before looking up at me "Hey can you stop staring at me because I-"

I don't know why I did it. But I couldn't help but point at his chest and when he looked down flick his nose when I bring my finger up. "HAH! DECLARATION OF WAR MY ASS YOU JUST GOT TRICKED BY A ACTUAL BIRD BRAIN!!!" "Now the blonde has my attention"

As the purple haired insomniac cheeks flushed he stops talking before walking away. So I then began to follow the blonde and his group towards lunch

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