Play Fight

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     Everyone was finally able to make it to lunch as the crowd dispersed. Y/n on the other hand decided to take his tray and explore considering no one wanted to sit with a villain that could kill them.

"I wonder if I can leave the school? Yeah I probably can but they could have put a tracker on me. That would definitely make Shigaraki bore a hole in his neck if I lead the heros to them?" Chuckling at the thought Y/n continues to wander the school

The Allmight sized birdman soon grew very bored. What were they allowed to do? Wait

"I can do whatever I want and plead ignorance!" With great speed Y/n made his way to the park, sitting down on the bench and taking a nap. This of course didn't last long as a tapping on his beak woke him up a couple hours later

"Oi you birdbrained bastard!!!" Looking down at the familiar blonde you couldn't help but chuckle at the nickname

"You left school without telling anyone, Aizawa sent me to fetch YOUR SORRY ASS!" It seems he was irritated greatly by this inconvenience of his time. Well atleast you now know they do infact have a tracker on you


With a burst of speed I grab the blonde before taking us to U.A grabbing the back of his head to avoid whiplash as we arrive inside class 1-A like nothing happened. Except the wind that disorganized some paper but besides that

"Ooooo? Grrr stupid bastard~" Bakugo mumbled as he fixes his hair.

"It seems you got him and got back in time. Good job Bakugo. And as for you Nomu don't leave the premise without permission afterall you have a game to attend next week"

"Huh?" "WHAT!?" The class shouts in confusion. I swear I can see Aizawa smirk under those bandages

"Nezu wants to prove that we have this under control and have beaten the villains. So why not have their weapon play with us." Aizawa states with a shrug he then approaches me as I stand up

"If you win. You get to be free from our care, also Midoriya." Izuku looks up at the teacher stopping his mumbling

"The Nomu is going home with you. We can't exactly keep him in the school it's not in the deal" "Eh" the green haired student goes pale. I think I see his spirit leave his body as I grin


Izuku was outside training. I on the otherhand was drawing hand turkeys with his mother. She was actually very sweet and when we first me was concerned for my injuries. "She nice"

"Nomu if I could ask you something?" "Shoot kind lady" she then nervously taps the floor with her foot

"Can you look after Izuku. That school heck even Izuku himself always gets into trouble. My husband is gone and I don't want to lose my son aswell. You may be a villain but... please?" "Dang that's deep" with a firm nod it confirms the deal

"Now to bully the tree" I stand up after making my 50th hand turkey. Walking outside only to see Izuku focusing really hard to not break a bone while training. Laughing I pick up Izuku before beginning my stroll to the park

"EH! H-Hey put me down!" "Nope" Slinging the smaller over my shoulder I wrap a arm around him. Shock absorbition and the strength of Allmight doesn't allow Izuku to escape as we eventually make it to the park when I set him down

"Listen I need to train if I don't I won't stand a chance in the games!" "Boohoo I dont care" he trys to walk past me but I put a hand on his chest before knocking him back onto his butt

"Hey! Listen I really don't have time for this!?" He once again trys to get past me but the same thing happens as he glares at me in thought. "What does he want!?" With a grin I crouch down a bit before hitting my chest and getting into a fighting stance "Come on! Give me a thrill!"

With a face of determination Izuku charges me only as I allow him to get a free punch. The air blows over my body as I absorb the attack and look down at Izuku as he stares at his intact arm in shock.

"I-Its not broken!?" I then grab his arm before throwing him away with it as I stand in the same position again.

"Shock absorbition? Since my attack is getting absorbed by you. None of it goes through my arm to break it!" "Ok? I don't care. Try to get past me!"

"I can go all out without breaking anything!" I stare at Izuku as he smiles in determination. Why do I feel a little scared now?

*3rd pov*

Izuku runs at the Nomu as they brace to take the presumably weak attack. What Y/n didn't expect however was a rapid fire of 100% smash attacks

"Take a chill pill!" Izuku was smiling as he landed punch after punch, kick after kick. He felt like Allmight and was enjoying every second of it. His fun was put to a end however when a firm grasp on his leg stops him as Y/n holds him upside down

"What's the matter?" The Nomu sighs before showing Izuku what was behind himself. A very torn up ground and a tree with barley any leaves remaining standing tall. "Oh. EHHH!!!!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I can't go to prison!"

Speak of the devil and he shall show himself. A black limo pulls up next to the park and out steps Aizawa as Y/n matches his frown. Izuku was put into a silence as he thinks about how he failed everyone "You ruined my evening~"

Aizawa said with a glare before Y/n simply shrugs as he begins to walk off with Izuku in his arms. "Gotta go before the actual cops get here" As he was about to leave Aizawa stands infront of him blocking his path

"What you did here was very illegal. I can excuse Midoriya considering you probably forced him to come here, I thought you liked the park why did you wreck it?" "I didn't" Turning around Y/n heads the other direction as Aizawa follows

"Your lucky your strength isn't a quirk, and the principle bought the park because he figured it would be in everyone's best interest." "So theirs no problem? Alright cool I'm leaving now" Aizawa then slides infront of the Nomu once again

"I want a apology! I will keep getting called on my off days if you keep doing stuff like this!" Looking down Y/n looked at the injured teacher... he felt guilt. He injured this man who seems to actually be a good guy and now he was stressing them out with their fun.

"Sorry" With the closing of his eyes and a small bow the Nomu apologizes. Aizawa was certainly shocked but was too sturdy to show it. "Alright good. Go home I don't want any more headaches because of you"

Aizawa then walks away before getting back into his limo and driving off. Even though it wasn't all entirely Y/n's fault he was a villain. Getting blamed for this kinda stuff is apart of his new life. "Alright time to go"

Izuku certainly felt guilty aswell he could have said something but he didn't.   Something though made him think the Nomu wanted to take the blame for him. "Why?"

Nomu's FreedomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ