Caw Patrol

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*3rd pov*

     If their was one thing the class learned it's that the Nomu was happy and content throughout the day. The class seemed to be a never-ending source of entertainment for them. However today was very strange indeed, because at lunch the Nomu was actually very tame.

Not the usual bugging of Izuku or playing with the rest of the class. Why does he like bothering Izuku anyway? "It feels weird knowing I actually have a house to go to now." Y/n thought as he stared at the blankness of the city

It no longer tempted him with new sights, sounds, and tastes. The fear of losing everything he's gained lingered in his mind. Like if he left a single one of the students unsupervised they would get dragged away and it somehow crumble his happy life

"Whatever, where is Izuku?" Y/n looked around the lunch room. Not spotting his green haired toy, so he sniffs the air following the scent.

*Y/n pov*

I walked down the hall, smelling the air on the hunt for my toy. Izuku missing lunch is a horrible thing that I won't let slide so easily.

I suddenly stop. Hearing his voice in a room I quickly open the door... it was him, he dragged him here, HE WAS TRYING TO HURT MIDORIYA. FUCKING ALLMIGHT!!!

I quickly lunge a hand out to strange the hero. He dissappears however in a poof of smoke a slender man falling in his place. "N-Nomu!" "Not now Izuku! I'll talk to you after I deal with him"

I finally put the pieces together. This slim little guy was ALLMIGHT, this WEAK!, PATHETIC!, Scrawny man! Was the man my Izuku respected so much.

"I should have figured it out a lot sooner. I could have been free so long ago!" I feel two arms wrap around my left before I look down. Izuku was holding my arm, he was crying like he always does. However this time it seemed like serious tears

"Nomu! Don't hurt Allmight!"

"No stop crying! I already went to jail because of this." He took a deep breath as I sensed the speech coming out of his mouth. I quickly pick him up before flattening him to my shirt in a hug. A successful way of silencing him before he can begin

"Now, time to kill the blonde" I think to myself as I stare him down. He slowly backed up, his back literally against the wall. I feel a sharp toothy grin cross my face as I stare at him. Then I realised a serious issue

"I can't kill him"

My grin quickly turns into a frown as I hold out Izuku from my chest. "I'd just end up back at stage one!" Izuku takes a deep gasp of air as he looks at me. I roll my eyes before hugging him again and walking out.

"Allmight is a bad influence on my little villain"  I get Midoriya back to the lunch room before I let him go. He quickly backed off in a defense stance, I only give him a tired look before continuing my watch over the class.

*3rd pov*

Y/n watched as the class continued their lunch, observing each student carefully. Despite the chaos and noise surrounding them, Y/n's mind couldn't help but wander back to the encounter with Allmight. That scrawny, weak man had somehow managed to become the symbol of peace, a hero adored by all. It disgusted Y/n.

Y/n knew that they couldn't let their guard down, not even for a moment. The safety and happiness they had found in this class was fragile, easily shattered. They had to protect it at all costs. And if that meant keeping an eye on Allmight and anyone else who posed a threat, then so be it.

As Y/n continued their surveillance, they noticed a change in Izuku's behavior. He seemed quieter, more withdrawn. Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. They had scared him, and that was the last thing they wanted to do. Izuku was their toy, their source of entertainment, but also someone they cared about in their own twisted way.

Everyone was staring at the Nomu as they stood back. Their arms crossed like a guard surveying everyone. This strange defensive obsession was very unusual and off putting, except for one student

"Todoroki I know I'm not the only one worried right now?" Denki says in a whisper as Todoroki looks up. A look of confusion crossing his usual cold face

"What do you mean?"

"The Nomu! Their like a freaking prison guard now!?" Todoroki turns around, staring at the Nomu as the two share a wave before Todoroki looks back. "Is that so bad?"

"I guess I should have expected a answer like that from you, no offense"


The class continued through the day until finally it was time to go back to the dorms. Except another issue arose as the Nomu looked around before leaving to Aizawa's

"What is it Nomu?" Aizawa said in slight concern, hearing about the Nomu's recent obsession with the class

"Where's Todoroki?" Y/n covers a eye while doing a confused face. Aizawa picking up on that Todoroki was missing

"Actually... you have a point. Where is Todoroki? Have any of you seen Shoto Todoroki!"

"I saw his father pick him up today." Momo replied as the Nomu stomped on the ground heading outside the dorms

"Endeavor is not allowed to do that with the recent attacks. I'll go see him tommorow morning and warn him about it" Aizawa says pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"Aizawa sensei. Where is the Nomu?" "He's right behind.......... me" there was in fact no Nomu behind him

"Mother fucking Nomu. I'll get him" He said before pulling out a familiar remote. Turning the dial halfway before setting out into the night.

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