We are Nomu 1

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I quickly rush to the city looking at several people burning or being attacked by Nomu's. I see a old lady about to get bitten by a large Nomu, in return I quickly rush over and punch the thing. Splattering it against a wall

"You cheap copy! I swear I'm going to beat the shit outta Shigaraki for this one!" Ignoring the old lady's screams I quickly rush around the city. Batting out fires and avoiding heros in a speedy manner.

That was until I bounce off something big and hard.

Looking up it was a large Nomu. It seemed way stronger than the others and was staring me down. "Don't look at me like that!"

I quickly punch the thing as it skids back... it was still intact though

"You bitch GET OUTTA MY WAY!!!!!"

This time I punch it with all of my strength. It explodes covering my body in blood as I stare at my fist.

"Why isn't Allmight here? Did something happen to that blonde asshole?" I shake my thought away as I stare at all the humans and heros now looking at me.

"Fuck it. Gotta protect the little ones, symbol of violence time" I wave out a flame as I signal them to go inside. The cautiously do so as I cover up the entrance with a nearby truck.

"The heros will get them when this all cools down."

I dash around the city putting out a few more fires before discovering another Nomu. I delivered one of my same punches but when it collides it bounces around. Like it was made of rubber or something.

A feel a force collide into my back as it makes me crouch a bit. "Was that my punch amplified? THATS CHEATING!"

I quickly reach out a hand grabbing onto its legs. I then slam it into the ground before delivering hundreds of punches into it.

"Took a few hundred, but it got blown apart" I think as I stare down at the rubbery chunks in the ground. I then look at who the Nomu was attacking

"Kids? Shigaraki you sick fuck." I approached the girl before picking her up. She seemed scared and quickly held onto my chest.


Turning to the voice I see Endeavor. He seemed pissed at me... what did I do again.

"Hot potato jackass!" I quickly toss the girl at him as he extinguished his flames grabbing onto her. Once he does so I run away looking for more Nomu's to crush. I find a couple and smash them.

Then I put the little guys in safety houses.... yeah there just buildings I cover with the nearest truck

Then it happened again. I ran into something big and hard, this time however it sent a shockwave across the area. "Are you.... me?"

It was a copy. Well it didn't look like m but it was copying me. So not feeling like playing games I punch it. Only it counters with a punch of its own, creating a bigger shockwave and putting us in a crater

"Ohhhh so that's how your going to play it" We get into a grudge match as we lock hands. Pushing against eachother with equal force. When a idea popped into my head, "This is going to be gross"

It doesn't have a beak, I Do.

So I open my mouth as wide as it can go before-


"BLAAAAAAAGGGHHH" I began to throw up, it was ssooo gross!!! I hated it! I'm never doing that again!

A few heros looked at me as I threw up, unsure if they should attack or help me at this point.

"EHhehehehe why me.... Allmight you bitch. Being a hero sucks! This is your job you asshole!"

I eventually recover as I stand up.

"YEAH good job man!"

"Yeah you showed him!"

"Their praising me?.... this feels nice. Alright maybe being hero sucks a little less. Still never doing that again though" I got a little cocky at the praise as I grinned. Then I felt fire engulf my back



I quickly roll on the ground extinguishing the flames as well ad rolling away from Endeavor, before I flipped over a flame wave created by him.

I landed on my feet as I sprinted away. "NEVER MIND. BEING A HERO SUCKS!" I kept running through the streets, smashing Nomus and extinguishing flames.

Until I smelt something familiar... very familiar. Something that me kinda hungry for some candy


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