Tree Birdateers

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     So Y/n was currently being beaten on the chest by a certain blonde hero. He of course could only laugh at the heros attempts to wound him

"You jerk I was in a meeting! I thought it was Important."

"Ok and?"

Hawks of course rolled his eyes at the male's action. "So... what do you want"

"Company. Going to visit the major heros and cause a ruckus, and since your my only legal friend. I wanted you to accompany me!" Hawks was of course sceptical of the whole 'legal friend' thing but he couldn't lie. Causing a ruckus could be fun

"Sure, just nothing too extreme ok? Also I have to take one of my interns, he's promising but need to lighten up a bit"

"Alright, sure!"


those words. That name. Y/n couldn't contain his now famous grin, in through the doors came "Bird bro"

Tokoyami stared at the tall man. He didn't have a shirt and only had on some shorts with skulls as knee pads. Quickly the clever birdie put the pieces together once he saw the grin


"Um do you two know eachother?"

"We need to call the poli-"

Tokoyami quickly closes his mouth when he sees Y/n put his hand on the back of Hawk's neck. He stared at Y/n as he zipped his lips still looking cheery despite the threat

"Yeah he's actually my brother!"

"What no way!"

Tokoyami's expression shifted from disbelief to horror upon hearing Y/n's claim. He couldn't fathom how someone as seemingly carefree and mischievous as Y/n could be related to someone as stoic and disciplined as Hawks.

Y/n chuckled, clearly enjoying Tokoyami's reaction. "Yep, we may not share the same blood, but we've been through enough together to consider ourselves brothers. Right, Bird bro?"

Tokoyami's mind started racing, trying to recall any interaction he had with Y/n that could potentially explain this supposed brotherhood. Nothing came to mind. The situation felt too absurd to be true, but Y/n's mischievous nature made it hard to dismiss entirely.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Tokoyami blurted out, unable to contain his confusion any longer.

Y/n's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Where's the fun in that? No, my dear Bird bro, this is as real as it gets. And now, we shall embark on an adventure, causing chaos and ruffling the feathers of some unsuspecting high ranked heroes!"

Tokoyami couldn't help but feel curiosity. He had always been the responsible and level headed one among his peers, so the idea of accompanying Y/n and Hawks on their escapades was both thrilling and terrifying.

Hawks placed a reassuring hand on Tokoyami's shoulder. "Don't worry, Tokoyami. I promise I'll keep an eye on him," he said, offering a faint smile.

Tokoyami sighed, realizing that arguing with Y/n would be futile. Perhaps this adventure would serve as a much needed break from his usual routine. After all, he had been known to let his feathers down and indulge in a bit of mischief every now and then.

"Fine," Tokoyami conceded, his voice laced with a hint of resignation. "But I want you both to promise me that we won't cross any serious boundaries or harm innocent people."

Y/n's eyes sparkled with mischief, but his grin softened. "I promise, Bird bro. No innocent people shall be harmed during our little escapade."

Hawks nodded in agreement. "You have my word. We'll keep it light hearted and fun."

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