A Normal Day

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     It was time for practical exams, I could only look at the students as they grew increasingly nervous.

"You all have a week to practice and study, good luck. You will need it, as for you Nomu"

"Oh boy here we go"

"I expect you to act professionally this week, do not disrupt their studying with your antics"

I let out a grumble of disapproval, my eyes roaming around the room. Eventually stopping on my favorite green bean who seemed nervous.

As the day went on, I decided to follow Izuku home. Aizawa disapproved at first but I gave him some candy to ease his nerves. It was funny how he stumbled at my actions

"Nomu, why are you following me?"

"I want to see Mama Midoriya!"

Izuku grew frustrated at me, he eventually went inside his house as I followed after

"Hello Izuku! Oh, and hello Nomu!"

"Hey mom, Practical exams will be in a week. So I will be studying a lot ok"

Izuku went upstairs without another word as I looked Inko's face soften. I didn't like when Izuku did that, but I also understand sort of. He needs to study hard this week.

"Want to watch a movie?"

This gains my attention as I pick up Inko before putting her on the couch. She grabbed a nearby blanket before covering herself, I sat next to her as she flicked on a movie

*Timeskip Inko pov*

I woke up with a yawn

"Good mornin- EH!!!"

I fell asleep laying on his side! I wiped a little of dribble off of his sweater as I covered my face in embarrassment.

"I'm deeply sorry about that Nomu!" He looked at me confused, his face tilting slightly. I let out a sigh before going into the kitchen, I planned on cooking breakfast but-

"No groceries! Ugh"

I closed the fridge in frustration before getting my purse. As soon as I grabbed it... I was at the Supermarket?

"what???" I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turn around. It was the Nomu again, grinning in amusement at my confusion. I put the pieces together quickly as I furrow my brows at him

"No quirk usage in public" He rolls his eyes muttering before looking around the store. I suddenly noticed everyone looking at him aswell. Carefully I grab ahold of his hand before I lead him through the store

The Nomu helped grab things at the top of shelves. Soon we were able to leave the store despite the several strange looks we got. Once we got home, the Nomu managed to carry all the bags inside.

He was happily smiling as I noticed his sweater was torn and stretched in some areas. "Take off the sweater, I'll adjust it a bit before you go. It's the least I can do as thanks" the Nomu shrugs before complying

He takes off his sweater before handing it to me. His scars evident across his body, I could tell where his muscle was actually stretching and tightening his skin. The tears were only healed with red scar tissue.

He disappeared in my view, I frown but he soon returns with a new outfit on. A look of mischief crossing his face as he looks upstairs

*3rd pov*

The Nomu had a great time with Inko. Of course it could only be made better with Izuku, he had to train him. Though he only saw Izuku as a toy to play with currently. So as Inko got busy fixing his sweater he went upstairs to spy on the small hero

He was passed out on his desk. Y/n let out a sigh of disapproval before picking him up and laying him in his bed. He then grabbed a blanket and covered Izuku

That's when the sound of glass shattering rang through the house. The Nomu bolted downstairs, staring at Inko over a broken cup

"Sorry! I dropped a glass"

Y/n gave a nod before disappearing through the front door. Staying any longer only put more and more anxiety through his body. The thought of the family he's grown fond of dieing... it made him angry beyond comprehension

"I should return to Aizawa's before he throws a hissy fit"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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