Chapter 1: Reincarnation

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I was chilling in my room reading textbooks about psychology as I had nothing to do, I had just recently finished "The Beginning After The End" up to the latest chapter so I became quite bored, finishing the only story that gave me entertainment put me to a dead end, forcing me to go back and read textbooks.

As I was reading the text book to its very last page, I saw the last texts written on the textbook.

"Welcome to the world that brings you entertainment."

As I read the final text, darkness immediately filled my vision, I tried shouting, "Help!" I tried to shout again and again but as no words escaped my mouth, also coupled with the fact that I was met with no response,
it essentially made me lose my hope.

'Is this the end? Is this the death that I've long heard about?' I thought as I closed my eyes, only realizing that I could not open it again.

After what felt like an eternity, I was finally able to open my eyes, met with a light that was bright enough to make me shut it down once again.

As I finally recovered from the sudden blinding light, I reopened my eyes again, immediately being met with an elderly man speaking.

"Congratulations Mr and Ms Leywin, you've given birth to healthy twin sons." The elderly man say, presumably a doctor.

'Wait Leywins? Isn't that the surname of Arthur's family?' I thought, quickly looking at the other two people who were present in the room.

The woman had auburn hair, as the man had azure blue eyes, confirming my assumption.

'But wait, we are twins, right?' I thought as I quickly swiped my eyes to my left, making me immediately see a my twin who had the recognizable auburn hair and azure blue eyes.

'Arthur.' I thought with astonishment, was really reincarnated as the twin brother of Arthur Leywin?

Composing my thoughts, I turned back to look at my presumably new parents.

Looking back at Reynolds- or I guess dad, you could see that he has an angular shaped jawline with rough features that speak strictly. He seems to also be looking at us with a moronic grin.

"Hello little Art and little Aeth, this is your father, say 'Dada'!" He managed to let out.

'I expected him to be like this but still.. Is he expecting newborns to talk?' I thought, imagining myself smacking him with my nonexistent arms in my past life.

Thankfully though, someone else did it for me as a pale hand smacked my fathers head.

To be honest, I'd say that he deserved that.

"The two aren't crying doctor!" A sweet voice said, presumably my mother, Alice Leywin.

"Hmm, there are instances that this happens, anyways remember to take it easy Ms Leywin and contact me if any issues arise!" The doctor replied.


As expected of being a baby, it's hell, really hell, having no control of your own body was more fearsome than I had thought. I mean, I could barely wave my limbs! I'd realized that babies gripping your fingers were no more than a reflex! Man, life as a baby sure is hard.

The currency in this world were the same as written in the novel, with copper being the lowest form of currency then silver, followed by gold. Although I've yet to see anything worth that of a gold coin, I've heard that an average family can survive a few days fine with just a couple of copper coins.

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