Chapter 2: Awakening

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(A/n The earlier chapters consists of a lot of copy paste, so please bare with it.)


Eyeing my brother from afar it seems that he had just finished the book, "Beginner's Guide for the Privileged Mage" which luckily for me that I didn't have to read it, as I've already known about the content inside it.

After that, he seems to fixed himself to a meditative position, before being quickly caught by mom as she switched his diapers.

What a sight to behold, the Almighty Lance Godspell, Godkiller who instilled fear at uncountable beings-atleast will-in the near future getting his diaper changed by his mother.

Every night when I make sure that no one else was awake, I tend to go to the bathroom and meditate there, why the bathroom you may ask? It's because they seem to think that babies going to the bathroom by themselves in the middle night were normal, and I wouldn't have to go through the trouble when they see me in a meditative position, as they'll only think that I'm taking a dump.

Well, they can't really make a baby explain either.

Anyways at the current rate I'm going, it's specified that I'll be able to awaken even earlier than my brother, that is if I'd wanted too.


Arthur and Aethel had to be the most adorable babies, and I'm not saying this because I'm a doting mother.


Arthur's scruffy little patch of glowing auburn hair and playful eyes, that almost radiate blue light while his gaze, at times, seemed almost... intelligent.

As for Aethel, while looking exactly like his twin brother, seemed rather different.. There's something unexplainable about him making you know whether he is Aethel or Arthur, he mostly has an unreadable expression but he also seemed somewhat intelligent, almost like his view is way out of things we could comprehend..

No no, I told you, I'm not a doting mother. I plan to be a strict and just mother. I can't rely on my husband to teach little Art and Aeth any common sense. For God's sake, he tried to teach my babies how to fight when they could barely crawl.

I know these little rascals would turn out just like they're father if I left him be. As soon as they started crawling, I was so proud I was on the verge of shedding tears, but I didn't know how much of a handful they'd be as soon as they became mobile.

I swear, there's not a single moment where I can take my eyes off of Arthur before he crawls into the study room. How weird. As for Aethel he's mostly more behave but sometimes he can be seen in the middle of the night in the bathroom taking a dump. We made sure to buy them lots of stuffed animals and wooden toys to play with, but Arthur always ends up going to the study room while Aethel seemed to not care about both. THAT, at least was directly opposite of they're father, well, atleast for Arthur, seeing how Reynolds almost gravitates away from texts longer than the weekly newspaper.

Looking at how excited they got when we went out to town, I decided to go shopping for food once every other day instead of twice a week.

No no, I told you, I'm not a doting mother. This is for his education of the outside world and for fresh food in the house. Yeah haha...that's it.

My sons seemed to be interested in a lot of things. I can't get enough of seeing they're head, that seemed so disproportional to his little body, turning left and right while trying to take everything around them. Arthur seemed particularly intrigued by his father's practices while while Aeth seems to just observe them from afar.

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