Chapter 5: Request Granted

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"W-What are you?" My brother managed to shamelessly stammer out, as he quite literally just asked what Sylvie, the princess of Dragons, what she were.

Despite knowing what she looked because of my past life, what my eyes saw still quite spectacular, Not gonna lie, she does look like a monster, for a lack of a better word, she easily towered over ten meters high, was seated cross-legged, on a crudely carved throne of jagged stone with an arm lazily supporting its head. With petrifying red eyes that gazed down at us, while menacing, carried an oddly tranquil quality. Two massive horns protruded out the of sides of its head, arched down and around it's skull, curving up to a point near the front, reminding me of something almost akin to a crown. It had a mouth with two fangs peeking out of its lips and while its body was adorned in a sleek black armor that had neither decorations nor embellishments, it still glowed with the quality of a priceless treasure.

Observing her once more she seemed to have her body completely being black, I couldn't see her very much earlier because of the dim lighting in the cave, and as I got a better view of her, I've noticed her wound, it was a gaping hole in the side of it's chest, blood continuously oozing out.

"We finally meet," it repeated with a lazy half smile that revealed a row of pointed teeth.

AS I composed myself and quickly got up, I replied, "It's nice to finally meet you Ma'am." I replied with an almost monotone voice, making her quite surprised that I wasn't shook, unlike my brother.

Arthur seemed to try getting up, but failed halfway and end up back on his butt, his face still slack from the shock of what his eyes were seeing.

"Bugs will fly into your mouth if you keep it open that wide." She directed at Arthur.

I've never thought that having a great sense of humor could eliminate awkwardness this much.

"As for what I am, I won't say anything more than what you can see from looking," the horned humanoid monster said with its eyes seeming to gaze straight through me.

"Staring at me that long will get me embarrassed, you know." I tried to make a joke.

Though my joke earned a laugh from Sylvia, Arthur was more shocked than anything else, as he probably never thought of me ever thinking of a joke.

"It is going to take to a while for me to open a dimensional rift that will transport you to your house, so until then, just be patient and wait here. There are special roots that grow here. You two will be able to live off those until I finish," it sighed.

No need to rush, in my short stay here, I'd like to train as much as I can, with the mana rich fruits Sylvia provides, I'm that I'll be at a higher core stage than Arthur with enough persistence.

Giving a courteous bow, my brother replied, "Thank you for everything you've done for us and what you will do. If there is any way we can repay you, we will do for you whatever is in my power." As I simply nodded, quite happy that brother spoke for me, as I didn't really enjoy talking.

"Such good manners for a child. Do not worry; I am expecting neither a favor nor your gratitude. I am simply doing this for my own amusement. Come! Sit here closer to me and keep me company. I haven't talked to anyone in a while," Sylvia laughed, patting an area of its throne for me to sit on.

Using mana I quickly jumped up to the platform while my brother looked at me dumbfounded as if saying, 'Why didn't I think of that?'

"Uhm.. Ma'am, pardon me for my rude question, but can we address you as something else? like a name or something? Since you don't really resemble a 'ma'am' if I'm being quite frank." I said, making eye contact with the being already knowing the answer.

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