Chapter 7: Tutelage

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That one word could explain what I saw once I opened my eyes. As expected, we directly teleported right past the gates. What I saw before me were buildings that seemed to be built out of a jade-like material. These jade buildings were so flawless and smooth that each seemed to be carved from a single, huge stone.

Making this place look even more awe-inspiring were the huge trees that intertwined with the buildings, filling this whole city with a more distinctive and organic ambience. Looking up, I see homes built on unnaturally thick branches extending out of the massive trunks even larger than the buildings with smoke drifting out of their chimneys.

The elven territory was more beautiful than it seems. It could not be simply be copied by drawing and be explained by words, it was simply, pristine.

The entire ground inside this city was covered in a lush field of soft moss, with only the narrow sidewalks and the main road paved with smooth stone. The dense array of branches that fanned out from the trees covered most of the city in a canopy of shade, but there was a warm, luminescent glow throughout the city thanks to numerous floating orbs of light situated in every corner and street.

While I stood, composing myself, I looked at my brother, who seemed to still be processing the world around us. Though, he did daze out of it quicklime as he relized Tess was still holding his hand.

'Their relationship went out as usual.' I mentally sighed, no offence but I don't really like Tess as Arthur's love interest, but what makes him happy makes me happy too.

Tess was still holding onto my brothers hand when a group of what seemed like guards arrived out of nowhere. These elven warriors emanated a dignified air, all dressed in coordinated black suits with green trimmings and a golden shoulder guard on their left shoulder. These five guards all carried a rapier strapped to their waist. I mentally noted that these guards had no sensible aura radiating out of them.

Augmenters and conjurers both naturally emit a faint aura from their bodies. Thankfully though, with my more advanced mana core and asuran physique that heightened my senses a lot, I was able to sense their mana and cores. Most seeming to be at mid yellow, which was pretty good in this continents' standards."

The guards ignored our presence as they suddenly kneeled in front of Tess In unison. "We welcome back the royal princess."

"…" My brother was speechless as his gaze flicked back and forth between the guards and Tess that reminded of the time when he jokingly called Tessia 'your highness'.

He seemed to try and let go of Tessia's hand but she suddenly squeezed her hand tighter. In a voice so cold and apathetic that I mistook her voice for someone else's, she said, "You may rise."

"Good luck Art." I wickedly laughed in my mind, as I also put up a weird expression making Art sweat in worry.

Though I quickly stopped as I didn't want to tease him too much.

They stood up with their right fist still crossing their chest when the knight in front speaks. "Princess, we arrived as soon as we saw that the royal teleportation gate had been used. The King and Queen are…"

Before he could finish speaking, I heard a cry not too far away.

"My baby! Tessia, you're okay! Oh my baby!"

Running towards us was a middle aged man and woman. From the crown on the man's head and the tiara encircling the woman's forehead, you could easily assume that they were the King and Queen.

Alduin's tall, built body was uniformed in a loose, decorated robe. His emerald eyes were pointed upwards and his thin lips were tensed, matching his short, military style hair.

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