Chapter 9.5: Shopping

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Well, as expected Art won.

Though unlike the original timeline where Art and Dad tied, Art easily won this duel basically because of me helping him on our time at the elven kingdom. Though our dad was stronger than expected too. It just wasn't enough.

This left everyone's mouth fall off, mainly Vincent as he immediately offered our parents to enroll Art in the Xyrus Academy, which he gratefully declined.

As of right now we're shopping, I thankfully escaped my parents with the reason 'I wanna look around. Alone.' I said the last part clearly as they accepted while telling me to be careful.

Though what I said wasn't a lie, a part of me just didn't want my hair chopped off.

"Condolences to you, Arthur." I muttered imagining his trip to the barbers.

Xyrus is indeed beautiful but for some reason it doesn't satisfy my eyes. Am I rushing things too fast?

Swiping my head from left to right I saw something quite rare.

In a worn off shop were two girls who were wearing leather clothes that seemed to cover almost their whole body, except their faces. And they resembled similar, yet different auras.

One if the girls had black hair and dark black eyes, she seemed to be the same age as me as we she seemed like she was as tall as current Arthur, while the other girl seemed to almost be an older sister as she was almost at the same height as my father and she had white hair and dull grey eyes.

Kathlyn and Varay seem to be going on a stroll.

Well I didn't want to get involved with them in any way this early but I just have to check something.

And that was Varay's core.

If she hasn't consumed the artifact then I may be able to make her a more important piece for the upcoming future.

As I was looking at them, I checked Varay's core, which as expected, was still not at white core. As both she and I were at the same stage, mid silver.

As she noticed someone checking her core she looked at my direction, quickly alarming Kathlyn as well as she looked at where her master's eyes were pinned on.



The sound of wind moving could be heard as I swear someone was standing at where I was looking half a second ago.

Someone strong.

Although I have met countless strong people I have yet to meet someone like that. Me not being able to see him while sensing his power makes the chills run down my spine.

Who could that be? That couldn't have been Barion, he isn't in Xyrus, not to mention that he isn't that strong..

"Master, what's the problem?" The little princess beside me asked.

"Let's get out of here." I whispered as we quickly yet quietly moved out.

Who could that mysterious person be?


(A/n Sorry for the short chapter and the very late update, the device I used for using wattpad and making chapters broke and I haven't been able to repair it quickly.)

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