Chapter 10: Cynthia

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As the sun went down everyone eventually finished shopping and went home to rest, telling stories to each other, laughing from time to time, and other stuff.

But well- I'm not interested in that.

I'm waiting for something- or someone to appear.

As I was getting bored bit by bit the sound of a doorbell followed by a couple of knocks got everyone's attention.

"Ah! Looks like she's here!" Vincent perked up.

Sensing the aura from the door I immediately confirmed that the one behind it was the one I was waiting for.

Cynthia Goodsky.

She was strong, on a similar level to Virion, but no- she isn't stronger than me.

Vincent came back, leading the founder of the Xyrus Academy.

"Rey, Alice, Arthur and Aethel, I know you guys said that you want to put off school for later but I just couldn't hold it in. Everyone. Meet Cynthia Goodsky! She's the Director of Xyrus Academy."

Noticing the slight twinge of annoyance on Art's face, Vincent immediately said, "Don't worry, I didn't bring her here to make you go to school right away. I just wanted her to meet you."

So this was Director Goodsky.

The Director gave us a smile that I couldn't quite understand the meaning of and held out her hand. "Nice to finally meet you two, Arthur and Aethel."



Xyrus Academy, an institution hailed as the most exalted sanctuary for any of the would-be-mages privileged enough to have both the background and talent to enter. There were several other academies scattered throughout the Kingdom of Sapin, but needless to say, the level between those second-rate schools and Xyrus was insurmountable.

That was the kind of titan Xyrus Academy was. Those who qualified to graduate from this academy were guaranteed a prosperous future and life. It was rumored that the top graduates could even become honored guards, instructors or military leaders for the Royal Family, for the King of the entire race of humans on this continent. Of course, some choose to go the more humble route and focused on research by joining one of the mage guilds. However, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that students of Xyrus Academy were hailed as the true elites, even among nobles.

Now, here I was, standing in front of the said academy's Director. Normally, any eight-year-old—hell, any person—would be ecstatic to be in the presence of someone so affluent, but I couldn't help let out an expression of annoyance at the unexpected guest.

Beside me was my brother who, unlike me, still attained his unreadable expression. I sometimes ask myself whether he's emotionless or not but I have faint memories of him proving my theory of him being emotionless wrong.

To put it shortly, he simply has godlike control over his emotions, which makes me think that he's a reincarnate as well.

The guest in front of me was a very tall lady, standing around 1.7 meters, well above the average for the females here. She held herself in a very upright, poise manner. She wore a simple, yet elegant robe of navy blue, laced with gold threading. She sported a conjurer's hat, an accessory that looked like an oversized traffic cone that amplified the absorption rate of the surrounding mana but oftentimes came with other functions. Strapped to the side of her robe was a wand that was a crystalline white color with a fluorescent gem attached. Even my ignorant eyes could tell that this wand was extremely valuable. Surprisingly, her face had very soft features that reminded me more of a friendly grandmother next door than an all-important figure of power, but the aura she had around her made her seem fairy-like; her wrinkles unable mask the attractive face that she had. The crow's feet etched on the outer ends of her brown eyes actually amplified the attractiveness of her smile when she introduced herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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