Chapter One

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The normalcy of modern life suits most ordinary people. In fact, most go about their lives happy and content with their place in the world, never questioning if there was more to life than what was given to them. But for Takara, she couldn't think of anything worse. The rat race, the unrelenting cycle of life, living the same day over and over again. Takara hated the idea of it.

Deep down she always wanted more than that, more than what she was given. Maybe some people would think it greedy to ask for more, but what's the harm in asking?

All she wanted to do was escape from the shackles of her reality, living in a small town surrounded by small people. She felt like a fish put into too small of a tank, suffocating without the water of life running through her.

Takara's life was like most her age, working too hard in a dead end job that barely pays enough to survive. She used to envision a creative career when she was young, something brighter than her reality now. Whether it was painting, drawing, writing, she didn't mind, just something to make her feel like her brain wasn't rotting away in an uninspired, stale job.

Takara felt like she had no choice in most areas of her life. Being told by society what she can and can't do. That her own hands weren't on the steering wheel of her own life, but instead, being driven by those around her.

After working long hours in her local restaurant she would catch the train back to her home. It wasn't much, just a small one bedroom apartment on the second floor of a complex, but she made the most of what she was given.

She had decorated the place with little trinkets she'd collected throughout her life. Most of her furniture was secondhand making the place look like a patchwork of different styles of homeware. She thought it gave the studio some much needed character, which she would always choose any day over a sleek, minimalist home.

Dragging herself up the concrete steps to the second floor, she made it to her front door. Once the door closed on the outside world, she let out a heavy sigh of relief, now faced with the comfort of her own home. She kicked off her shoes and placed her bag next to them, heading to the kitchen to rummage through the few cabinets she had.

She spent a good few minutes trying to think of a way to make a meal out of the assortment of tins and packets left on her shelves. It was the day before she would normally go out to the supermarket and stock up, so she really had a limited choice for tonight.

Settling on some instant noodles, she plopped herself down onto her worn down sofa to eat and decided on what television show to watch that would help drown out the overwhelming feeling of loneliness late nights brought her.

After she had eaten she went into the bathroom to do her nightly routine, washing away the day's stress as well as the rest of her body in the shower. She enjoyed night time showers a lot more than morning showers, they felt like the only moment of peace she could have after a busy day, plus she had never been much of a morning person anyway, it was the worst time of day in her opinion.

Settling on wearing a matching pair of fluffy pajamas to bed, she made her way down her short hallway to bed. While opening the door to her bedroom, she quickly set an alarm on her phone before she forgot. She had a habit of doing that.

She got into bed and turned off her bedside lamp, choosing to not do any reading tonight. She laid there for a moment, sighing at the thought of doing the same as she did today again tomorrow. Instead of lying there with her thoughts she turned onto her side, waiting for sleep to envelop her body.

Just like almost every other night the last thought in her mind would always be the same; a wish, a wish to live another life, where every day was different, filled with excitement and the rush of adrenaline. It would be a life where she escaped, where she broke the cycle, where she finally felt in control of her life, in control of her destiny.

And in the worst way possible. She got her wish.


Hey guys!

This is my first ever attempt at writing so I appreciate every one of you who have decided to give my fic a chance!

I will be trying to update at least once a week depending on my schedule at uni but I will be as consistent as I can :)

I would love any sort of feedback on my story and any suggestions on the way this story is heading but I will most likely have Chishiya as the love interest.

I will also be following the show storyline further into the story.

Anyways I hope you all enjoy this fic :)

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