Chapter Eight

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~ Chishiya's pov ~

Another game completed. Sometimes Chishiya wondered if some of these games were even supposed to be hard, or if they just threw a few easy ones into the mix.

Sure it wasn't ideal that the other half of his team were completely and utterly useless, but the girl he was paired up with soon took care of that. He found her will to survive interesting to watch unfold. With her on his team, he took a backseat for this game, knowing he could save his energy for a future game instead.

Chishiya was amused by the girl he had just been paired up with. The entire time he'd been in the borderlands, he had never come across a girl quite like her. And to witness her take a chair to the glass window only in her second game, he thought she was quite the character. A force to be reckoned with.

But by the way he noted how she carried herself, he knew she didn't know this information about herself. That she was naïve to her own power. If only she was a member of the beach, she could've been an asset to his plan he mused.

After finishing the game, he noticed how she had cut her arm wide open from the glass window, then remembered he had spotted a first aid kit hanging on the wall behnd the reception desk. Seeing how she had gone above and beyond in that game, he made his way over to reception and grabbed the kit off the wall. He could easily fix her arm himself from his medical background, but he knew giving her the kit was a good enough gesture. He didn't want to seem too overly friendly, it wasn't in his nature.

He stood in front of the girl with the first aid kit held out to her, watching her as she hopelessly tried to dry her clothes. She hadn't noticed his presence, too busy making a fuss out of her clothes.

"For your arm" he spoke, becoming tired of waiting for her to notice him, his voice instantly catching her attention.

"Where did y-"

"Behind the reception desk" he didn't waste any time in answering the obvious question he knew she would ask.

"Thank you, did you see where the other two went?"  He wondered why she even cared about their teammates, they clearly didn't want to help them survive so why was she concerned with their whereabouts.

"They took off pretty quick, doubt they'll live much longer" Chishiya felt a smirk forming on his face at the thought of the other two getting what was coming to them. The possibility of them living through another game was slim.

He studied her as she gratefully took the kit out of his hand and went over to the waiting area. He watched her start to rifle through the kit, her eyes quickly examining each packet and item trying to find what she needed.

Seeing her busy herself with the kit, he felt no desire to stay in the building any longer. He had rewarded the girl after helping him in the game and now it was time for him to leave. He silently turned away from the girl, walking out of the nearest door.

He walked for a few minutes to where his lift had dropped him off earlier. One of the very few perks of being a member of the beach was the transportation to the games, even if the car would normally be filled with idiots.

The Beach. He hated the place. He hated the people there. And he hated the so-called leader. They called the beach a haven, a paradise in this cruel world of death games. But Chishiya saw right through their lies, their sad attempt at manipulating the flock of followers to do all the hard work of playing the games for them. If there was a way he could complete the games alone, he would. But because it wasn't possible, he continued to stay at the beach.

Hitching a ride in one of the many designated cars for this area of games, he found that the only spare car was filled with loud idiots, just as he predicted. He hated having to ride with these sorts of people.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now