Chapter Twenty Six

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"Kaito…" she worriedly whispered to herself, unsure of what she should do.

"Alright I've found the key, let's go" Niragi turned to face Takara, her eyes still fixed on the monitors.

"We can't leave them there" her eyes met Niragis, concern still evident on her features.

"We need to go help them," Takara instructed, she knew she couldn't leave them.

"You must be joking, right? It's a death trap down there" Niragi scoffed, going to save them would be a suicide mission.

Looking at Takara's expression, Niragi let out a groan of frustration. He could see in Takara's eyes a plea for him to help release the others locked away.

It wasn't him, helping others without getting anything in return. Helping others in general was never something he would do voluntarily. He didn't think others were worth saving, and if he had been in this game without Takara, he wouldn't think twice about leaving the other players for dead.

He looked at the monitors then back to Takara, was he really about to risk his life for some strangers?

Takara noticed the inner debate Niragi was having with himself and tried to persuade him a little.

"If you look at it this way, you get to kill a few more of those assholes" she half laughed at her statement, she knew Niragi liked a good fight.

"Are you sure you can handle it in your state?" He stared at where Takara had been applying pressure to her side with her hand. She looked down at her wound from where the machete had sliced through her skin, blood still dripping from it. Looking down to the floor, she saw a small puddle of blood had formed.

She gulped, she would be lying if she said she wasn't in pain. Takara had been trying to push through the pain, and it was slowly becoming too much for her. But looking back at the monitors and seeing all the helpless players locked up in one cell, her heart told her that she needed to save them, regardless of her injuries.

"I can take it, just give me something to tie around it to slow the bleeding" she tried convincing him that she was fine, hoping he would agree to her plan.

"Fine. But if you die you can only blame yourself ". His harsh tone was no comfort to Takara, but it wasn't going to change her mind.

"They'd be expecting us to come from here" Takara pointed at the main entrance to the cell block shown on the cameras.

"But if we take the long way round, through the other cell block and through the courtyard, we have the element of surprise" she paused, turning to face Niragi before continuing.

"If you sneak up onto the first floor of cells and shoot from up there, I'll be a target for them on the ground floor" This would be the third time Takara used herself as bait, but she trusted Niragi was a good enough shot to protect her.

It was risky, and the plan had a high chance of failing, but Takara was willing to take that chance.

The sound of glass crunching beneath a person's foot behind them snapped the two out of their discussion, both of them aiming their guns at whoever had just entered the room. The two boys raised their hands immediately to show they weren't a threat, that they were also players.

"We're not wardens! We're looking for the key-"

Niragi held up the key to the two boys before they could finish.

Their sudden appearance made Takara form an extra layer to her plan, she just hoped that the two lads would agree.

"I have a plan to make sure all of us escape. If you two take the key and head for the control room, we'll go to the free the other players" she told the new arrivals.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now