Chapter Thirty Three

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Takara woke up in an unfamiliar bed, aching all over. But what hurt the most, was the pounding feeling in her head. Her clouded mind tried to remember what had happened before she fell asleep.

"You're finally awake" a voice spoke from the other side of the room, startling Takara.

"Chishiya? What are you doing in my room?" She asked, confused.

"This is my room, not yours. Kuina brought you here last night" he explained.

Takara furrowed her brows, not understanding why Kuina would bring her here, or even why she slept the night. A realisation of why she might be in his bed popped into her head, her eyes widening at the thought.

"We didn't…" Takara couldn't finish her sentence.

"No," Chishiya replied, knowing what she was trying to ask.

"Much to your disappointment" he chuckled, seeing her expression.

Takara felt her face heat up, no doubt going red from embarrassment.

"You got into a fight. And as always I was the one that had to put you back together again" he raised his eyebrows and looked at her forehead.

Takara reached up to touch where he was looking, feeling multiple scratches etched into her skin.

"Augh" Takara threw her head back into the pillows behind her, regret filling her body.

"That settles it, I'm going on a drinking ban" she huffed, knowing that she'd significantly decrease her chances of getting into trouble if she did that.

"A wise decision" Chishiya chuckled from where he stood in the door frame.

Takara sat back up to ask him a question.

"Where did you sleep?"

"On the sofa" he pointed into the room behind him.

Takara sighed, looking down at the blanket over her body.

"You didn't have to give up your bed for me" she said, displeased that he was once again helping her.

Chishiya made her feel frustrated, she didn't know where the land lies between them. She was always questioning whether his actions were genuine, or if he had other intentions behind them. It made her head spin.

"Well, you needed it more than me"

"I don't need anything from you" she snapped, meeting his gaze.

"I don't need your help." She said a little more calmly.

They both stared at each other, both too stubborn to break eye contact first. Chishiya finally looked away, glancing around the room. He took a deep inhale of breath.

"I see." He exhaled, lifting his gaze from the floor back to Takara.

"But you want Niragi's help, do you?" He asked, with a slight bitter tone.

"What?" She snapped up to look at him, confused.

Takara put the pieces together. He must have seen her either enter or leave Niragi's room the other day.

"You saw that?" She raised her eyebrows, not understanding why he would've been spying on her.

He didn't reply. Takara shuffled in her spot on the bed, sitting up a little straighter.

"He's a friend" she defended, she had no reason to feel guilty about seeing him.

"He's dangerous. You'll regret letting him be so close to you" Chishiya's voice was cold.

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