Chapter Twenty Five

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Walking up the stairs for the second time that night, Takara was more slow and careful when going up the steps. She really didn't want a repeat of what had just happened, she doubted she'd live through another attack.

With that being said, she pulled off the gun that had been strapped to her back and clicked a bullet into the chamber. She didn't care about being quiet anymore, having a gun in her hands would be her best bet at getting to the warden's office in one piece.

Slowly making her way up the steps, she finally arrived on the first floor. Takara kept to the walls, using them as protection for any shootings that might come her way.

Now on the first floor, the wardens office was almost within reach. To her left, she could see the head security office. The door was slightly open, which seemed suspicious to her, but she kept moving forward.

To her right, Takara could see a large office which held a large resemblance to the admin room she just walked through. Up ahead, a long glass window separated the room Takara was in to the infirmary, and next to that window, a glass door led to a hallway where the wardens office that Takara had been seeking would be.

Takara let out a small sigh of relief, the first half of her game was almost complete. She tread slowly towards the glass door, her gun held against her shoulder, ready to shoot.

The sound of a door creaking behind her caught her attention, making her whip round quickly. She had been right, a warden was trying to sneak up behind her having been hiding in the security office.

They held a handgun in their right hand, and it was pointed straight at Takara. Before the warden could shoot, Takara fired a shot into the warden's right shoulder, making them lose grip of their gun.

This angered the warden, making them run at Takara, catching her off guard. They moved so quickly that Takara missed all three times that she shot at the warden, who kicked the gun out of Takara's hand in one swift movement once they had gotten close enough.

The fight had quickly turned into a physical one, with both of their weapons now out of reach. The warden threw multiple punches at Takara who swerved each one, her training with Kuina proving to have paid off.

Takara backed up into the office, grabbing a desk chair and throwing it at the warden causing them to lose their footing slightly. She continued to hurl various office furniture at the masked figure, trying to slow them down and keep them at bay.

Running out of things to throw, Takara had no choice but to do some hand to hand combat, making a swing for the warden's face. They caught her hand, flipping her over so that she landed on the floor with a smack. The force of being thrown on the floor caused a searing pain from the wound in her side.

While on the floor, the warden went to punch down at Takara but she moved out of the way just in time. Before getting up off the floor, she grabbed her switchblade and stabbed it into the attacker's ankle.

They staggered around, taken aback from the sudden knife attack, giving Takara the opportunity to stand back up. Now filled with even more rage, the warden lashed out, throwing multiple punches and kicks Takara's way.

Takara tried to block as many attacks as she could, but the warden still got a few good hits in on her. Each punch hurt her more and more, making her struggle keeping up with the blows. She had already been worn out by her fight with the other warden, and this one was now getting the upper hand with her. She dodged one punch but wasn't quick enough to dodge the next one, her face getting met with a fist.

The blow was enough to knock her to the floor, the room now spinning. Takara went to stand back up but the warden kicked her back down to the floor. She looked to her right to see a gun lying within reach, Takara stretched out her arm to grab it but the hunter stood on her hand, earning a pained cry from her.

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