𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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You were simply trying to walk into school.  That's when you ran into JD.  He was simply standing outside, staring at you.  

"Hey, what's up," you greeted.

"School's cancelled today," he swiftly informed you.  "Kurt and Ram ended up killing each other behind the school?"

"What?  No, that can't be right... you're messing with me.  Very funny," you giggled nervously.  "What actually happened?"

"No, that is what actually happened.  They killed each other in a repressed-homosexual-suicide-pact, they were found behind the school."

You just stared at him, mouth agape.  Two more people you were close to were dead as a doornail.  All from suicide.  This one you felt even more guilty for, since you might have been able to prevent this had you only stayed at that fucking date.  You feel like you could have prevented this both times, and now you were scared.  It felt like everyone around you was dying.

"Are you okay," JD asked.

"Why is everyone around me getting hurt?  Who's going to be next?  Why is this happening," you ranted.

"Hey, hey, settle down," JD said, grabbing your shoulders.  "You'll be okay.  I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

"But what about everyone else?  What about my sister?"

JD didn't reply, instead he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.  You quickly latched on to him, feeling too many emotions.  You could feel your knees go weak, and you quickly moved to sit on the steps to the school so you didn't fall over.  This was too much to go through your head at once.

You sat on the cold stone stairs, looking up at JD.  You could feel tears pricking at your eyes.  You had been with both Kurt and Ram last night, and they were having the time of their lives.  So how could it have ended up like this?  You looked at JD, and he smiled at you.  To be honest, it was reassuring.  He was like a firm foundation throughout these hard times.

"Besides, it's not like anyone's gonna miss them anyways," he said suddenly.

"What the actual fuck.  Are you shitting me?"

"I'm not wrong.  Football season's over (y/n), Kurt and Ram had nothing to offer this world other than date rapes and AIDs jokes."

"Why the hell are you being so casual about this?!  People are dead, Jason Dean.  And they're never coming back."

You stood up and began to walk away, too angry to deal with him.  He had acted nonchalant when Heather passed, but you assumed he was just less impacted by this stuff.  But now it wasn't just one person.  And these weren't just any three people, this was three people that you may consider yourself rather close with.

"Wait, (y/n)... WAIT!!"

He grabbed your hand before you could get very far, and he twirled you around so you were facing him.

"You don't need to get mad.  You hated them too!"

"I didn't hate them," you defended.  "They did things I didn't like, sure, but they were my friends!"

"Were they though?  Would friends spread rumors about you?!"

It was at this moment that the living Heathers' exited the school, Veronica trailing behind.

"Ah, young love," Duke said, pointing at the two of you.

McNamara looked stunned, while Veronica... Veronica had never been more terrified in her life.  She had helped that man kill three people, and there you were, shouting at him.  To be fair, he was shouting back.  But at the same time, how did she know that he wasn't going to try and kill you next?

She could be so stupid sometimes.  She was ignoring the fact that you had always been JD's reason for these kills.  After realizing Kurt and Ram weren't just unconscious, she assumed he had been using you as a way to get her to help him.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  Who knew that the murder might consider telling the truth?

The girls hurried off to get to their destination, Veronica casting one last worried glance in your direction before following once more.

"Look (y/n), I know you hated them," JD shouted.  "Your true feelings are just too gross and icky for you to face!"

"I don't fucking hate them!  But I'm STARTING TO HATE YOU JASON DEAN!!"

You ripped your hand out of his grasp, and stormed off.

"(Y/N), WAIT!!  Please wait!"

JD jogged around you and tried to block your path, but you just moved around him.  He then ran in front of you and tried this again.

"(y/n) please, let's just talk about this over a slushie," he begged.  "Please wait, please."

"Fuck off."

You quickly started sprinting away, but this time, JD didn't bother following you.  God, why did people have to keep leaving him like this?  Especially you.

So much for being your firm foundation.  And so much for being your hero.

Other side of paradise (Jason Dean x reader)Where stories live. Discover now