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JD lead you through the hallways of the hospital, and you decided that you were going to get the answers you wanted.

"You said you knew why Veronica doesn't want me around you.  Are you ever going to tell me," you questioned.

"I never said I knew, I just had a theory.  I believe that your sister may have a crush on me."

"What?  No, she... she can't.  Right?"

"I'm pretty sure I could rope her into murder if I tried.  But I only have eyes for one person, and it's not her."

He lead you outside and helped you onto the motorcycle, and began to speed up.  When you latched onto him in fear, he began to miss his cape.  But, if it made you comfortable, he'd do anything.  Even murder.  If only you knew how much he had already done for you.  He was your personal Superman, and now he just needed you to see just great Clark Kent could be.

You reached the Snappy Snack Shack, and JD hastily got off his ride so he could help you off as well.  Then he brought you inside, and straight to the slushie machine.

"So, size and flavor?"

"[size] [flavor] please."

"You know, I really do love you," JD told you.

"I love you too."

Oh (y/n)... why?  Fuckin'... why.  God dammit.

Hell, you weren't too sure why you said either.  It just kinda... slipped out.  Your face flushed the moment you realized what you said.  JD smiled at you... then giggled.  Then he set the cup down on the tray of the machine, and grabbed your waist.  He pulled you in, and you panicked.  Thank god he didn't have the coat, or you'd be fucking petrified.

"Well, looks like your sister has some competition, " JD joked.

He began to kiss you, and for the first time in a while, you didn't try to push away.  You felt like you were stuck in limbo.  You were stuck between complete devastation that you were going through all this again.  Due to you and JD's history, you knew you were just going to crash and burn yet again.  But you were also on cloud nine.  Believe it or not, this was your first relationship.  And JD seemed to love you a lot.

"You know... our love is god," he told you.

"Oh, speaking in confusing metaphors again," you giggled.  "Just like that night when you broke into my window."

"Oh, you mean our first date."

"Yeah... I guess you could call it that."

JD smirked and finished filling up the slushie cups.  Of course, he still refused to let you pay.  What a gentleman.  He lead you outside to that all familiar bench, and the two of you sat down and just... enjoyed the slushies.  JD draped his arm over your shoulders, and you leaned into him like before.

"How did I end up so lucky to wind up in Ohio with you," JD whispered.

"I don't know... but do you know how long till you leave," you asked.

"I don't know.  Although it's probably going to be soon," he admitted.

"Oh.  Will we stay in touch?"

"Of course!  I love you, and once we're eighteen, I'll come right back."

"Don't you think we're a bit young to be making lifetime decisions?"

"I'm allowed to have dreams."

"Aw, I'm your dream," you gushed.

"Of course!  Now, I should probably take you back to the hospital. Martha could use someone around."

You smiled, glad he wasn't doing anything more that would creep you out further.  He helped you onto his bike, and took off speeding towards the hospital.

A/n: another short chapter that I didn't want to waste with bullshit filler.  Also, random question: who's better, Kurt, or Ram?

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