𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"I can't believe him Martha!  I thought that we could've had something, but once my friends start dying, he says I want them dead!  I don't hate Kurt and Ram, I hate him," you ranted.

"Wow.  What would you do if I died?"

"March right up to heaven and drag you right back down here.  You are the only thing I like about this world," you told her.

"Aw!  I feel so loved," Martha giggled.  "But JD doesn't seem the most... stable.  Besides, there's so many fish in the sea, so what's one guy?"

"I know, it's just... other than you, he was the one person who didn't just see me as 'Veronica's sibling.'  He saw me... for me.  And I don't know if there is another guy out there who'd see me like that."

"(y/n), I need to talk to you," Veronica said, practically kicking in your bedroom door.

You quickly hung up the phone, not wanting Veronica to discover the fact that you were still friends with Martha.  Veronica slammed your door shut and strutted over to your bed, taking a seat next to you.

"I see you have been spending time with the new kid, Jason Dean."

"I mean, JD and I used to hang out.  Not anymore though.  Why?"

"I don't want you near him.  Don't even look at him.  You hear me?  Stay away from Jason Dean."

"And why should I listen to you?"

Veronica opened her mouth to say something, but hesitated.  Now you were getting pissed.  While you didn't want to be seeing JD anymore, you felt sick to your stomach knowing that your sister just wanted to take away what little happiness you could find just for the hell of it.

"Kids, time for the funeral," your father called.

"That fucking idiot," Veronica seethed.

And with that, she stormed out.  You stood up and fixed your black blazer.  Kurt and Ram's funeral was not something were looking forward to. You could already feel the guilt rising up in you, and you knew it was even worse when you would see the corpses and the caskets.

When your family made it to the church, your parents took two seats in between other people again, so you couldn't sit with them.  Your sister took her seat with the rest of your friends, and you didn't feel like handling their bullshit, so that was another place you couldn't sit.  You looked around for Martha, only to see that the Dunnstocks' were nowhere to be found.  Although, in looking for Martha, you found an empty seat in the back.

When you finally sat down, you saw a familiar dark trench coat in the corner of your eye.  And a familiar face took a seat next to you.  As much as you didn't want to listen to your sister, you didn't want to handle his shit right now, so you ignored him.

The two dead boys were laid in their coffins, side by side.  They had their football helmets on, and were wearing their Sunday best.  I guess when you go to meet god, you want to look nice.  They were both holding a football, and the balls had been painted red and white to match the school's colors.  Apparently, in their seventeen years of life, their only achievement was being football players for Westerberg high.

The pastor finished his sermon, and Mr. Kelly and Mr. Sweeney were invited to say a few parting words to their boys.  You watched, feeling the guilt build up in your chest.  Why did you leave that date?  Kurt had a little sister.  While you couldn't change his sexual orientation, maybe you could've at least convinced him that life was worth living.

"If there's any way you can hear me Kurt, buddy, I don't care that you were some... pansy," Mr. Kelly began.  "You're my own flesh and blood."

"How can you say that," Mr. Sweeney asked.  "Our sons were disappointments!  I'll miss my boy, sure, but he disgraced our family in his final moments."

"Oh, you're one to talk!  Especially after that fishing trip in '83!  You were just as disappointing then."

Mr. Kelly took Kurt's hand, and kissed his boy's forehead, and looked at Mr. Sweeney.

"My son's a homosexual, and I love him."

Then Mr. Kelly looked at the people sitting in the church.

"I love my dead gay son!"

Mr. Sweeney didn't say anything, his face flushed red with embarrassment.  His wife was glaring at him from her seat.  She and him were going to have a long talk about the bible, and their marriage.

"This is interesting," JD whispered to you.  "Do you think Kurt's dad would have the same reaction if that limp wrist have a pulse?"

You ignored him.

"(y/n), please talk to me.  I know that I must disgust you, but what I said was senseless, and I miss you."

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Why not?"

"Maybe you don't take the death of my friends' seriously.  And maybe even my sister thinks I shouldn't talk to you."

"Don't listen to your sister," he quietly exclaimed.  "Hell, I ain't the devil.  Please don't ditch me, I can fix all your problems.  I always got your back."

"And why should I believe you," you interrogated.

"Because I love you (y/n)."

The pastor clapped his hands together, surprising you.  You quickly faced him, only to watch as he dismissed everyone, and Mr. Kelly cried as he descended and made his wade back to his family, and even Mr. Sweeney shed a tear as he left the stage.  You stood up, and JD grabbed your hand.

"(y/n), I love you.  Please don't leave me."

He pulled you closer to him, and kissed.  But on the lips again, not on your forehead.  You honestly weren't sure what to do in this situation.

'We're teenagers, it's our time to make mistakes!'

Well... you started kissing back.  I guess that's one way to handle this situation.

Other side of paradise (Jason Dean x reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara