𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚/𝐧

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Well, it's over.  In the words of Bo Burnham, 'It's been a hell of a ride.'  And I would like to thank you all for making this a fun one.

It's been really exciting and amusing to stay up way later than I should to write shit, and then wake up early and regret my choices, and question if what I wrote came out grammatically correct because I was tired when I wrote it.

I would also like to express my amusement towards the comments, specifically the ones for the epilogue (on Quotev).  I remember warning ya'll in an a/n that I had three potential endings, and I was probably going to go with the darker one.  Then I did use the darker one, and people are all 'HOLY FUCK, IT'S SO DARK, YADA YADA YADA!!'  Again, I am highly amused by this.

And to anyone wondering where I got that ending because it wasn't even close to what happened in the movie and musical, I saw this janky ass website that had 'The Original Ending For Heathers That Was Cut For Being Too Dark!'  This was also the website that said they were debating making a sequel where Veronica became a CIA agent, so I'm questioning its credibility, but I wanted to get creative, so here we are.

But basically, Martha dies after her suicide attempt, JD and Veronica have their final standdown, JD blows himself up, and riddled with guilt from killing her fellow classmates, Veronica shoots herself. Then, there's a prom night in heaven where Heather C is serving drain cleaner from a punchbowl, and Martha was the main entertainment.  I forget what it said Kurt and Ram were doing, so I improvised on that front, and roped them into Martha's act.

Oh, and that Ghostface thing is out.  It's called 'City of the Dead.'  Guess getting ideas for fics while I'm listening to weird ass songs is my thing now.  Who knew it would end this way for me?  But I digress.  I would love to explain how it could potentially be my magnum opus, but that would spoil the big ending that I want to try and pull off.

So... I guess that's it.  It's over now.


I don't like this feeling, it feels like something's missing now.

-Your grateful author, Flynn

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