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- Romessa -
Since I didn't have much effort to dress up properly, Noor had practically go the ready, she had chosen me a black salwar kameez and matching it a red printed dupatta, the outfit was a casual, she put my hair in a loose pony tail, which I covered with my red hijab, and u did a minimal makeup since it was just us two. (Outfit^)

Once we were ready, Noor wanted to drive since we came to Pakistan, but since both our moms said no, and khala had given us the keys now, we could drive here ourselves. Since the restaurant was only 10 minutes away, we wouldn't have to get stuck in traffic, but just in case Noor had made reservations since we were running a little late, yea just around 10 minutes late not like alot of desi people running an hour late.

We had gotten in the restaurant and made it to our table, it was a nice change in the environment and I was enjoying it, while I was talking 2 waiter passed our table talking very loudly, "dod you see the way the woman was all over the poor man, I feel bad for him" said on of the waitress, "but he is coping with her, leave the man alone" the waiter said back, "I wonder who they're talking about" Noor asked curiously, "as long it doesn't effect us, we don't need to question it" I said back, a waiter approached our table and took our order, Noor had excused herself to go to the bathroom, while I was waiting for her, someone caught my eye,

A table away, it looked like Shehryar. No, what would Shehryar be doing here, does he have his meeting here? I was wondering, when Noor had come back, following my gaze as she sat down, "isn't that Shehryar bhai?" "Right I think it is" "I thought you said he had a meeting" "that's what he said, maybe he has his meeting here" "wait" "what is it Noor" "we've seen her somewhere before" "we have?" "Omg Romessa, it's that Maya girl from the dinner a few days ago" when I also realized it was her, my heart sank, why is Shehryar with her, I thought he didn't like her, I'd he chea... cheating on me?

My emotions were all over the place, making me abruptly stand up and walking towards there table, I had stood right behind Shehryar when I heard him talking that me froze, "you're right, I do like you and yes I was forced to marry her from her family, I didn't know saving her would mean getting married to her, and I didn't know this good deed would turn to ruin my life" I ruined his life, his words once again echoed in my ears I felt sick and disgusted, I wanted to throw up, for a second I think I saw Maya looking at me, "so let's get married and you can leave that Romessa girl" "I will leave her, but after I go back to Germany-" he was still speaking, but I had enough and walking away, I was hurt yes and I should be crying, but a part of me couldn't cry no matter how much I wanted or tried to cry, I got to our table and picked up my bag "can we go home Noor, I feel sick all of a sudden" "but Romessa" "I promise I'll pay for takeout or anything" she got excited with the return back, so she quickly got up, linked arms with me ans we walked out, I didn't tell Nokr what happend.

As we got home, I was leaving to go to my room when I heard Nokr call out to me, "yea?" " Romessa, did you talk to Shehryar bhai" I looked down, I felt tears on my cheek, I had started crying, "oh no, is he the reason you wanted to leave? Did he say something, why was he with Maya?" "Noor I don't know, but right now, I don't want to see him." "Okay Romi, but please stop crying, let me get you something to eat". After she had forcefully make me eat something, I excused myself to go to sleep, but when I entered my room, the last thing that was on mind was sleep, I had decided to pray namaz and even after that, I couldn't sleep. Zaid had come home and Zainab had to give him dinner, they had asked me to join them but I just didn't have any energy to go. It was around 11 now, I couldn't sleep, my mind was spinning in every direction, so here I saw sitting on the couch in our room, watching the clock pass minute after minute.

I heard the door creak open quietly, I didn't need to guess who that was, " you're still awake?" "Yea I couldn't sleep" I answered, he nodded and went to change his clothes, he entered our bedroom, "did you eat?" He asked again after I had ended the conversation the first time, "yea noor gave me something to eat" "did you not go out with her" "we did, I felt sick and we left" he became concerned? He walked over and started looking at me, "did you cry?" "How was your meeting?" "Huh" "yea, you said you had a meeting" "oh yea, I have to fly back to Germany next week, yea the preparations are being done" "for your nikkah?" "What nikkah?" He asked looking in to my eyes, "oh or maybe divorce" "Romessa just tell me, what are talking about" "you don't know? You and Maya's nikkah and then you're going to leave me while you're in Germany?" "What?" "Shehryar why are you so shocked, I saw ypu and Maya at the restaurant together, I went up to your table when I heard you saying you were going ro marry her and leave me" I started crying again, but it wasn't cause of Shehryar it was because of myself, I felt weak and tired. "No Romessa, it's all a misunderstanding again, Maya-" "no Shehryar it's not, I heard each word that you said, each word that is engraved in my heart and mind" "Romessa listen to me goddammit" "no, you know what I want, no I need, I need space, so if you want to go to Germany and get married to her then go ahead and if you want to leave me, do that too, I'm not going to ask you to stop" saying that I grabbed my dupatta and left for the guest room, it was downstairs beside the living room, but I was in no mood to talk to Shehryar.

I entered the guest room while Shehryar was behind me, but I locked the room before Shehryar could enter. The guest room was going through a makeover, so there was no bed, there was only a couch and a bathroom, thankfully I had found a blanket on the couch, that helped me get through the night.

The next morning, I prayed Fajr and I needed to change my clothes, but because of me currently staying in the guest room, I had no clothes, since it was still pretty early, I decided to go to our room and get a few clothes. I didn't want to see Shehryar at all, he hurt me again, if he would have told me about his relationship before, I would have happily left him, yea my dad did force me on him but still, he could have rejected, I wouldn't have minded at all.

I entered our bedroom, it was quiet, but Shehryar was in our room, he want in the bathroom either. That was a good thing for me, I grabbed a few of my things and left our room and headed to the guest room to get ready for the day.

Kaif and Noor had served breakfast, while I served tea, Everyone was present except Shehryar. "Where's Shehryar?" She asked looked in my direction, "I'm not sure khala" "is everyhting alright between you two" before i could answer, "no khala, I'm here" Shehryar came in, looking so down and sluggish, his hair all Over the place, he was still in the same clothes as yesterday. He looked over at me, but avoided his gaze. "Now beta, let's have breakfast" she gestured at the table. "No khala, I just came to inform you that I'm leaving for Germany tonight" we all froze, I still had the teapot in my hand "what?" Zaid was the first to ask, "yea, it was kinda sudden, I needed to tell you before I was kinda stuck" khala looked dull instantly. "And when will you be back?" Khala manged to ask, "I don't know khala, it's a work problem, it could take a few weeks, months or maybe a few years" we were all quiet. Khala got up and gave him a hug, "I pray your work is done successfully and quickly, but I am upset I am only finding out now" "I'm sorry khala" khala was turning to go to her room, when she called out, "drop Romessa at her mother's house till then, her mother has been missing her lately" Shehryar nodded and them left to go to his room.

We had all lost our appetite after the breaking news, I went to khala's room to give her something to eat, but she told me to help Shehryar pack his bag. I listened and went to his room. I knocked on the door, the door swang opened, he was surprised for a second, I just entered the room and went to our shared closet, I packed his bag and mine own. Once I was done, I left the closet when he caught my hand, "why are you doing this, ignoring me, even knocking on our room door" "I'm sorry Shehryar, I was forced on you, if you had told me before, I would have left, and it's now only your room"

Khala has told Shehryar to drop me off and mama's place before he went to the airport, since he needed to go to the airport a 12, he dropped me off at 9 and stayed with my family for around one to two hours then headed to the airport, we hadn't talked much after our last short conversation in his room. I expected him to say anything, anything to explain what happend, but I didn't give him the chance either, and now he's going away.

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