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- Romessa -

As I opened the apartment door, Haadir literally pushed past me dragging Shehryar in with him, damn in looks like Haadir was married to him and missed him so much. "Look who's here mama" Haadir was screaming, "ah what a pleasant surprise Shehryar beta, come and have a seat, this is your home" he nodded and sat. "Romessa, come sit, you can do whatever you are doing later" I sighed, and sat beside mama.
Mama, Shehryar and Haadir were talking while I was just trying not to look too bothered. "Romessa said you were in Munich, how's work?" Mama asked, shit I don't know if really is in Munich, closing my eyes, "eh, I'm actually in Berlin nowadays, but ye um work is really busy. Did you know that the hospital Romessa is currently working at is having a charity event" "oh that's sounds wonderful, are you in charge of the planning" "you could say something like that", they continued there talking while I gave Ammerah and Ayesha their dinner early and had sent them to bed.

"Mama, we should have dinner too, it's getting late" "of course beta, come Shehryar have dinner with us" mama said, "oh no that's alright, I'll be on my way" "nonsense, no son in law of mine will leave my house empty stomach" Just then Haadir pushed him on a chair, "Romessa give Shehryar beta a plate of food" I quietly nodded, and gave the plate, from the corner of my yes I can see that Shehryar is quite enjoying this, eh whatever, I'll get over with it quick then kick him out before bed. We had dinner, I had made korma, and mama and Ameerah made the roti, it was yummy. After dinner, Shehryar and Haadir were playing some game while I went to pray and mama too. When we were done, Shehryar was getting ready to leave. Just then mama interrupted, "Shehryar beta don't tell me you're leaving at this time" "yea Shehryar bhai, just stay for the night" "no no, it's fine, I'll be on my way home" Shehryar tried convincing, "beta this is your home too, you can stay here tonight, no arguing" "okay" he sighed, he turned to Haadir, "so where's your room?" Haadir looked surprised then looked at mama and they both laughed, "Shehryar bhai, why are you asking bout my room, you should be asking about your wife's room, you'll be staying there, not with me bhai" ugh, he'll have to stay with me tonight. "Yea, of course we are, I just wanted to see your room, you know" he said jokingly punching Haadir's arm, "you should have said that bhai" he held his hand and showed him his room and the rest of the house at that point, then dropped him right outside my room.

I was walking out the kitchen when I saw him outside my bedroom door, "you can go in" startled, he went aside, "ladies first" I shrugged and opened the door leading him in. As soon as we walked in, I went straight to the bathroom to change, I was too tired, I went for a loose shirt and baggy pants, my comfort zone,  walked out when I saw him still standing and looking around. "You have great taste" "thanks" "so um, I'll sleep on the floor" "no, it's best if you sleep on the bed, if your mother in law or brother in law saw you, they'll make a matter worse" I joked. He stepped closer to me, but leaving enough space. "You didn't tell your mom?" "No, it would only worry her". We were quiet again.

"Did you not miss me Romessa?" I didn't answer, he started coming closer to me, and I started walking back until my back hit my desk, "tell me my rani, you didn't miss me at all" "i- i-" my words stuck in my throat. He still kept coming closer, he put both his arms around me, trapping me between him and my desk, he was so close  his breath hitting my face. "Tell me" I tried saying something but nothing came out, "I wanna hear something rani" "i- I did- didn't miss you" "you didn't?" He asked, his voice rough and raw, deeply   messing with all my senses. "Well let me tell you something rani, I did, I missed you like hell, it made me crazy how much missed you, the way you smile, they way you look, the way you talk, the way you are mine" "if you- you really missed me, you would have call- called me" what is wrong with me, why am I shuttering so much, he smirked, nearing his lips near mine "so someone did miss me" "no I didn't" I whispered, he looked at me, deeply, like he had found something he had lost long ago. His eyes suddenly darkening, he slowly drawing closer and closer to me until our lips connect, but they were there, still. He slowly started moving, slowly. & I got impatient and I responded back, but once I had responded back, he become rough, putting more effort and emotion into it, so much where I had to break the kiss to catch a glimpse of air, while he traced my jaw, ears and neck with his lips, it gave butterflies in my stomach. He deepend the kiss on my neck, giving my goosebumps everywhere, he reached a spot that felt so nice, I tired controlling myself not to make any sound, but I utterly failed, this was too pleasing. "Shehr- yar m-my fam-liy" "mmm" is that all he can say? "Sheh-ryar pleasee" he slowly went back my my neck, tracing my jaw again and pecked my lips. "I always forgot there are others when I'm with you, since you're thr only thing I need I don't need to look at anything else" "Stop being cheesy" I said, but deep done, I was enjoying these. "Can we go to bed, I have a 7 am shift tomorrow" he nodded and headed to the bathroom. When he came out, I was trying to brush my hair, it was almost done when he stood right behind me, staring through the mirror, at me? I followed his gaze to my- since I was wearing a loose top, the top had a very neck, exposing more than just my collarbones, heat rushing to my cheeks, I quickly fixed my top and pushing past him and practically jumped into bed. I decided to wait for Shehryar since he was praying Isha, it was calming to see him pray, maybe we should pray together. I was in between being half asleep and awake when Shehryar came into bed.

But once his fragrance hit my nose, I was fully awake and aware. He slowly came and laid next to me, "are you still awake?" My back was facing him, so I turned around to look at him, he smiled " can you let me finally clear something up " I slowly nodded, " you need to understand that you need to hear my point of the story too, that day at the restaurant, I was meeting Maya because, I heard that she and her father have some connection with my company, the shareholders are losing our company shares, and it'll only leave my company in debt. So I had to do some digging around, and since no one except me and Mark. But since Mark was here, and Maya was in Pakistan, i was the best one to approach. I did get some information out of her, but the second part i had said to her, I didn't mean any of it I swear, I know it's my fault too, for blabbing all the random sh*t out, but I didn't mean any of it. Yes our marriage was done differently, your father had forced you to marry me, and on the spot, if I didn't ypu would have married that cousin of yours, but the truth was that day, I had a feeling that I would never let you be anyone's, you are only mine" he said looking deeply into my eyes "Romessa, this idiot truly loves you, so much that you can't imagine" but all I could do was smile, I was tearing, "I'm also sorry, I should have listened, but at that moment, I thought that again someone is breaking my trust, hurting me again, growing up, I loved people, and they all hurt me, whether they were friends or family, they all lied, said stuff behind my back and hurt me, hurt me. And I was really scared of this, first marriage, the thought of it gives me nightmares, if I'll be a good enough person for the other, and if they'll be good for me, take care of me, aleast be loyal and respect me. Love comes later and is eventually there, where there is loyalty and respect. And at that moment, I don't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry" "don't be, you should have just given me a Chance to say something, I could have even called you or texted you an explanation but instead I went quiet like a coward"
Clearing up the misunderstanding and together in eachother's embrace was all they needed after their long time apart

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