Punishment and Revenge

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Professor Slughorn, Sirius and Professor McGonagall turned in unison towards Alya, their expressions interjected

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Professor Slughorn, Sirius and Professor McGonagall turned in unison towards Alya, their expressions interjected.

Alya almost regretted what she had just said, seeing them in such horrified disbelief. Yet the little voice inside her kept repeating that sentence with absolute certainty: it was indeed Lily Evans who had hexed her classmate. And Alya immediately understood why. In fact, she even called herself stupid for not realising it sooner.

"What did you say, Miss Black?" whispered Professor Slughorn, indignant; he seemed to want to give her the opportunity to retract that horrible sentence. But Alya, her chest puffed out, didn't retract the accusation.

"I said it was Lily Evans. She was the one who cast the spell on McKinnon, or whatever her name is!" she repeated, frowning.

"You're crazy!" blurted Sirius, who was looking at her with the same horrified eyes as when he had caught her speaking Parseltongue.

"What you claim is very serious, Ms Black. As serious as it is inconsistent. Miss Evans is an excellent student, whose behaviour has always been mature and worthy of respect. Furthermore, she is a prefect. I personally do not believe that she could ever have compromised her conduct with such a childish attitude. Anyway, do you have any evidence to confirm what you have just asserted?" asked McGonagall in an extremely harsh voice.

"I, er, no, I don't. But I'm sure she did!" Alya's confidence began to waver; not so much in her words, but more about being taken seriously by those present. Both professors seemed to hold Lily Evans in special adoration. They would hardly have believed Alya's version. And Sirius -- well, he had stopped listening to his sister since he was barely a boy.

"To put it simply, you have no evidence to back up what you say," asserted the tracher, ignoring the Slytherin's expression that was becoming increasingly dark and threatening.

"Furthermore, many students who were present claim to have seen you waving your wand just before the incident." Professor McGonagall finally said.

"If that's the case, Lily Evans also had her wand in her hand at the time of the incident, but her witnesses - all Gryffindors, as it happens - were very careful not to inform her!" remonstrated Alya immediately, increasingly struggling to hold back her anger. She was surrounded by a pack of prejudiced blind men.

"Miss Black, watch your tone!" thundered Slughorn, resolute. Alya bit her lip.

"If Evans had been behaving in any way suspiciously, I'm sure some of my students would have reported it to me," replied the unflappable McGonagall. Sirius shook his head frowning.

"So, you don't believe me! You think I'm making it up! Why would I make something like that up?" retorted Alya, on the verge of screaming. But the teacher's reply was anticipated by Sirius' snarling voice.

"Because you are rotten inside! You hexed Marlene just to spite me and now you accuse Evans because you can't stand her. And we all know why: you can't stand that someone with her background can be better than you at anything. And look at the irony. Lily Evans is an exceptional magician and a wonderful person. She's worth a hundred times more than you are, you dull-witted snob! You're a fool!"

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