Valentine's Day

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Monday 14th February, 1977. Hogwarts, Slytherin dungeon.

As usual, Alya woke up at dawn on that first day of the week, her mood decidedly low.

She descended the mahogany stairs and curled up in an armchair in the common room, pensively contemplating the dark depths of the Black Lake.

Alya remembered what had happened during the weekend in Hogsmeade. She was still angered by her brother Sirius' behaviour: it wasn't enough that he had ridiculed his entire family by running away from home. No, now he was even being squeamish, refusing to set foot inside a shop just to avoid running into his sister, or some other member of his hated family.

What was he afraid of? Did he think, perhaps, that Alya would talk to him, as if nothing had happened, even though they hadn't spoken to each other for years?

Sirius really is a coward! Alya noted, with clenched fists, recalling Potter's words in the Bazaar.

Another inexplicable wave of unease shook the girl's body.

James Potter...

The situation with the shaggy-haired Gryffindor as the protagonist was proving to be truly absurd in her eyes.

Ever since she had returned to Hogwarts after the Christmas break spent in Grimmauld Place, the young Black hadn't been able to avoid noticing the insistent glances that Sirius' arrogant best friend was constantly sneaking at her.

Often, she had caught him peering vehemently at her, either in the Great Hall while they were eating, or during the rare lessons shared by their respective Houses, e.g. Potions. More often than not, as soon as he was discovered by the Slytherin's cold grey eyes, Potter would lower his face again, pretending to be engaged in some other activity.

However, it happened, albeit rarely, that the hazel eyes of the Gryffindor would give in to the evidence of having been discovered, prolonging their gaze on Alya, as if expecting some kind of reaction from the girl.

But she remained impassive, displaying an unnatural indifference.

The fact was that she had no idea how to act. After the fateful dream - or, rather, vision - young Black had discovered what had really happened between Potter, Sirius, and Snape. She now also knew of Remus Lupin's true nature (and that Snape, despite everything, had been right all along). And of Potter's abilities as an Animagus, that is, his ability to transform into an animal.

But, above all, Alya knew that on that full moon night in December, she had saved James Potter's life, although at that moment, she was still completely unaware of the true identity of that dying deer.

It was certainly no small matter.

Therefore, Alya sensed the veiled gratitude behind the Gryffindor's strange looks.

And although she had a hard time admitting it even to herself, Alya felt the same for the boy with Potter.

According to what had appeared to her in her dream, James Potter hadn't hesitated for a moment to risk his life to safeguard the safety of his friends, to sacrifice it so that they would not be implicated in that terrible affair... so that Sirius would not be suspected, accused and kicked out of school... apparently, Potter was well determined to be loyal to him to his last breath....

With him, Sirius could truly consider himself safe.

And, for Alya, that was worth more than she herself was willing to admit.

However, the situation with Potter - and, in particular, with his insistent and incomprehensible glances - was becoming really exhausting. Alya just didn't know what to do and whenever she happened to find the bold Gryffindor nearby, she stiffened, unable to behave naturally.

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