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15 February, 1977. Hogwarts, Forbidden Forest.

Alya's gaze was caught by the slow, sinuous movements of Koboro's body, which glided placidly over the ground, forming wide circles around her. She watched him blankly, as if hypnotised, even as her mind travelled elsewhere.

She had been hiding all day, crouching on the damp turf of the Forbidden Forest. Night was falling and soon she would have to return to the castle, whether she wanted to or not.

Gracefully, she reached out a hand towards the obsidian-coloured cobra, to caress its smooth, powerful scales.

Koboro could hardly call himself the best advisor to help her unravel the difficult dilemmas of the heart that had been tormenting her for hours. But, at the very least, he could offer objectivity. Devoid of any human emotion (Alya was well aware that snakes couldn't perceive feelings in the same way as humans. She doubted they were even capable of feeling any), the reptile hissed cold, ruthless suggestions, with the only purpose to prevent James Potter from talking about what had happened the night before.

Another positive aspect of confiding in a snake was the total lack of judgement or reproach: Alya had filled the hours with a precise description of the events that had led her to take refuge in the Forest, well filled with all her worries and tragic assumptions about them. Not once did Koboro mock or judge her for her behaviour. Not that it was necessary. Alya knew how to scold herself just fine on her own.

In any case, both girl and reptile had come to the conclusion that leaving the dishevelled young Gryffindor, famous for his eagerness to show off, even to the detriment of others, free to talk to anyone, was quite dangerous for young Black's reputation. There was no guarantee that Sirius' arrogant friend would keep his mouth shut, and to ensure this, action had to be taken as soon as possible.

"You could tamper with the human's memories so he'll forget what happened. After all, you are skilled with Memory Charms. The boy won't be able to reveal something he doesn't remember," suggested Koboro, with the same lucid coldness as an executioner.

The girl sighed, but did not reply.

In every logical respect, Koboro was right and Alya knew it. She wielded those kinds of spells with extreme ease, she would have had no difficulty casting one against Potter. She just needed the right opportunity to proceed quietly, inconspicuously. But Hogwarts offered many hidden corners and it would not have been complicated to lure the boy into some abandoned classroom.

However, her soul hesitated. She would have to erase all memory of James about their meeting and their - Alya was shaken by a tremor at the very thought - kiss. Perhaps, to make sure that Potter no longer interfered with her life, neither with strange looks nor with evening ambushes, she would have to eradicate even the memory of her saving his life, on that now distant full moon night.

A painful knot suddenly froze in her throat.

Was this really what she wanted?

To erase all positive memories of her from James Potter's mind, and then go back to living her life as usual, along with her envious, devious House mates and that pompous, malevolent boyfriend Maynard Nott?

Back to being in the eyes of Gryffindor the usual snobbish Slytherin, Sirius's snooty sister, the one to be avoided because she could talk to snakes and who knows how many other evil and dangerous things... The Alya who had saved his life, who pined for the fate of her twin brother after his escape from home, who ran with rising adrenaline along with James Potter through the castle, escaping from Filch, had to vanish.

Alya's stomach twisted in rejection at that decision.

But Alya recoiled violently, determined to ignore her inner protests.

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