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15 February, 1977. Hogwarts, Slytherin dungeon.

For the first time in all their years at Hogwarts, Philippa, Melyssa and Beth got out of their beds before Alya. When they woke up, they always had found Alya's bed uncluttered, while the girl was already waiting for them downstairs in the common room, bright and early.

But that Tuesday morning was different. The green and silver curtains were still drawn, closed. Incredibly, Alya hadn't yet woken up.

The three girls tried to call her, hesitant and a little puzzled. No answer.

They changed and put on their school uniforms; by now they were ready to go to the Great Hall, but Alya insisted on staying in bed, silent.

Beth approached the drawn curtains.

"Are you all right, Alya?" she asked, apprehensive. Her friend's behaviour was definitely strange.

This time the girl decided to dignify her friend with an answer.

"No, I feel terrible. I think I caught an illness." she muttered in a hoarse voice, remaining concealed behind the curtains.

The other three squinted and gave each other incredulous looks. In six years, they had never seen Alya sick. She had always enjoyed excellent health. That was something new.

"Go to class without me and warn the professors that I won't be showing up today," Alya insisted in an authoritative tone.

"Perhaps, you should be seen by Madame Pomfrey. I'll come with you, if you want." offered, Beth, genuinely concerned about her friend's condition. Philippa and Melyssa didn't join in the proposal. They remained mute, their arms folded.

"No, at most I'll go later. By myself. I wouldn't want to attach anything to you," replied Alya promptly.

Philippa began to drum a foot on the ground, as a sign of impatience.

"Come on, Elizabeth. Alya can manage without us. Today we have an important Potions lesson ahead of us. Slughorn is showing us a new potion and we can't miss it." muttered the blonde girl, with Melyssa nodding at her side.

Beth looked at her confused, undecided whether to abandon Alya and join the other two or stay to look after her sick companion.

It was Alya who got her out of the way.

"Philippa is right, Beth. You would be falling behind in the arguments. Go and don't worry about me," she urged her, insistent.

With a resigned sigh, Beth reluctantly agreed.

"I'll pass you all the notes," she added before walking out, to soothe the guilt.

Philippa and Melyssa dragged her out of the room, finally making their way to the main hall for breakfast.

Alya remained alone, only with her own thoughts.

She had lied. She didn't feel unwell, it had been a lie made up on the spot, to throw her mates off. That her head ached, however, was true.

She had spent the whole night pining over the memory of what she had done the night before. With James Potter.

What the hell I was thinking? she kept repeating to herself.

Alya had kissed him. She had kissed James Potter. Even she couldn't explain why on earth she had acted that way. Not with a cool mind, at least. Part of her was desperately trying to keep quiet about the truth behind that impulsive and rash gesture.

Every time she tortured herself, thinking back to the meeting that took place between her lips and those of the Gryffindor, to their entangled breaths, to his hands holding her, to the unsuspected scent of goodness that the boy exuded, her heart began to beat wildly.

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