To the Homeroom

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The one thing Missy hadn't really thought about was how she was going to follow around Sheldon at his school, especially as she would bring so much suspicion to herself because of her size. She decided there was no real option but to wing it and hope she wouldn't get caught. By the time they had arrived at school, the affect of the alcohol was becoming clearer and clearer by the minute. Sheldon could hardly stand as he stumbled up to the school gate and he hadn't even noticed that Missy was walking alongside him.

"Careful!" She exclaimed as Sheldon almost bumped into her.

He flashed Missy a large toothy grin, something Sheldon would have never done in his right state of mind. The two walked into the school together, with Missy somewhat supporting Sheldon from falling over. She guided him through the corridors although having never been in the school before, she was just as bad as her brother. The pair aimlessly walked around, as if waiting for something to go wrong. Missy had been so excited about her plan she hadn't really thought about the details of what would happen once they had arrived at school. She had just expected everything to fall into place but so far, the day was just as uneventful as any other.

In this time, Missy brainstormed excuses to why she was in the school. It would be a miracle if she went the whole day without anyone becoming suspicious, that she knew for sure. She was an exchange student and Sheldon was her guide? No, they would het suspicious when they heard her American accent. She had just moved into the school but wasn't put on the system? No, they would never allow this and would kick her out of the school instantly. She was an extremely small member of staff who had just been employed. No, they would be able to tell Missy was much too young to be a teacher, and even if they did fall for this, they would ask for evidence. Many ideas later, all of which she quickly shut down, Missy decided to give up and cross the bridge when she came to it.

A deafening school bell rang, signalling the start of school. Missy panicked, not sure what to do. She tried to think back to any time when Sheldon might have mentioned where he went first but if he had said anything about it, she definitely hadn't been listening.

However, she needn't have worried. Even in his drunken state, he automatically began to walk to his homeroom.

"Is this the right way?" Missy asked in a doubtful voice.

Sheldon turned around and gave her a dirty look.

"I know exactly where I am going, thank you very much!" He scoffed in a sarcastic tone.

"Sheldon! What time do you call this? I'm rather surprised to find you being late," Ms MacElroy, Sheldon's homeroom teacher barked with a slight hint of amusement in her voice.

Missy stayed firmly behind the red homeroom door, as to avoid being seen as Sheldon stepped forward until he was dangerously close to the teacher. She wasn't entirely sure whether to be exhilarated by this or horrified. Sheldon craned his neck to look up at Ms MacElroy, with a formidable look on his face.

"How dare you say such things about me! I shall come and go when I please," he announced in a harsh, slurred tone.

Ms MacElroy gave a nervous chuckle, not certain of how to react to this.

"You have no right to dominate over my life and my decisions, what I do is down to me," he continued to rant.

"Sheldon! This is no way to talk to a well-respected teacher such as myself. You may be used to getting your own way like the spoilt toddler you are, but this is not a playground, nor your home. This is Medford High, and you are to follow by its rules if you have any intention of staying here. So, no more over-exaggerated, outlandish claims of how I am 'dominating over your life decisions' by simply making you aware of the basic know fact that, in this school, and in any education system for that matter, YOU ARE NOT TO BE LATE!"

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