Face the Music

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 There was no light on inside and the curtains were drawn shut. 

"Looks like they are sleeping", Missy told Sheldon.

 "Of course not, just how thick are you? It's barely past eight". he rudely snapped back. 

Missy decided to ignore the rude remark as they stood huddled together in the evening cold. Something was on Missy's mind that she just couldn't place.

 "Didn't he borrow one of your comic books?" She said.

"Yes? What's that to do with this?" Sheldon demanded.

"Well, did he give it back?" Missy continued.

"No..." Sheldon admitted.

"Then let's go and get it!" Missy said.

"Let me get this straight. You are suggesting we break into Tam's house to take back a comic? Are you not aware that what your thinking of is illegal?" He snapped.

Missy sighed angrily. Sheldon was such a downer.

"We would knock first! It's not technically breaking and entering if we knock. And we're here anyway."

"We are NOT breaking into Tam's house. Mom and Dad will be home soon, we need to get back," Sheldon insisted.

"We will just say we went out and got lost. It's technically not a lie. And this won't take very long anyway. Come on Sheldon, don't be such a misery-guts."

"I am not lying to Mom, Missy.  And, for the record, I care about science and mathematics, not about being 'fun', as you suggest," Sheldon announced.

Before Missy had a chance to reply, Sheldon turned and began walking purposely back the way they had come. Missy called out to him, but either he didn't hear or he was pretending not to.

"You don't know the way back. If you leave now, you'll have to walk home alone. You might take another wrong turning, and find yourself in a forest with werewolves. But worse, I would be alone too. What would Mom say if you came back without me?" Missy shouted to Sheldon, who was getting further away by the second.

Her spiel made the twin stop in his tracks and quickly pivot to face her. It was clear that he was truly considering what she had said. For a second, she thought he was going to turn around and leave, but instead he paced his way back to her.

"Your logic is questionable. We don't have any forests around here, let alone werewolves. I suppose I don't have a choice but to stay with you. But I would like to make it clear that I am not involved in this in any way, shape or form. You are getting the comic and then we are out of here. Deal?" 

Missy nodded, trying to conceal the smile that was creeping over her face. 

Sheldon pressed Missy in front of him, using her as a shield while she knocked a tune on the door. Sheldon peered around the house to see if any lights came on, but they didn't.

"We should go," he declared.

"Not while we're here. I'm going in," she said.

"How? The door is locked," Sheldon said, demonstrating by rattling the door handle.

"The window, doofus," Missy snapped.

It felt good to the young girl to think of something before Sheldon did. It was very rare that she could feel smart.

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