The Kiss

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Her hand made contact with wood but she didn't hear it. Missy couldn't believe she was in a position where her first kiss was going to be with someone she didn't even like. Maybe he wouldn't be home. The family car was parked in the drive, but perhaps he had met up with some other friends. If he had other friends.

But just as she was about to turn away, she heard the gate creak and Billy appeared from around the back.

"Missy?" Billy said in shock.

Missy never visited. Ever. It was only Billy who would come over to their house, knocking on the Cooper family's door. It wasn't that Billy was a terrible person. In fact, a while ago, when he came around, usually bearing some kind of gift, she would be flattered and would boast about her admirer. Now it just seemed weird and irritating to Missy. Encouraging this was the last thing she wanted to do.

"That's me," she whispered under her breath.

Missy's legs wanted to give way. Even if she wanted to run, she was rooted firmly to the spot. Twenty minutes after the dare had been brought up, and she was still in shock. Surely there was some dare rule that stopped this happening? 

"You don't come around often," he stated.

"I don't."

"You should come around more." 

"No thanks."

"That's fine." 

The conversation was blunt and broken, consisting of Billy trying hard and Missy wishing for it to be over.

"Come here, Billy," Missy commanded.

If she didn't get on with it, she would chicken out. And the other girls had fulfilled their part, so she should do hers. Billy nodded and hobbled up to her. Her friends had been very clear that she couldn't tell the boy that it was a dare. 

"I don't want to do this but..." she trailed off.

Slowly she leaned forward, while Billy stayed planted to the spot, fiddling with his shirt. He smelt like chicken droppings and Missy could see up his nose. She didn't know whether to shut her eyes or keep them open, so she did neither, instead squinting hard until he was only a blurred mass. That was better. 

"What are you doing, Missy?" Billy asked.

She hesitated, for a second considering calling it quits and pretending she had done it. Louise and Elaine were practically hanging out of the window watching the pair, but would they really be able to tell if she did or didn't kiss him? She could play it cool with Billy, act as though he had something in his hair. But that would be mean. And Missy wasn't mean (or at least she didn't try to be). So she continued to lean, thinking that if she leant forward any further she would hit the floor. It would be any second now.

Then she felt it. Her lips brushing against his for only the slightest second and the lighted tough. And then that was it. And she was dashing down the path, her eyes still squinting to prevent the tears she felt burning. 

She ran straight into the house to lock herself in the bathroom. Knocks on the door told her that the two were waiting, but she stayed by the sink rinsing out her mouth. 

"Stop being so dramatic, it wasn't that bad," Louise reassured her once she had emerged.

"It's not how I was expecting my first kiss to be," Missy sighed.

She knew that in years time they would all be laughing about the time Missy kissed Billy, but for now she just felt embarrassed.

"Let's do something else now," Elaine suggested.

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