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"Missy! Missy! Where are you!"

With great difficulty, Missy pried her eyes open. She felt as if she had fallen asleep for a very long time, and took a moment to remember where she was. The sun was still high in the sky, but Missy's back was slick with moisture and her whole body trembled with the cold. The girl guessed it was now around mid-afternoon.

Gingerly, Missy picked herself up from her position and got to her feet clumsily, as if she were a new born foal only just learning to walk. Only then did she remember the pain she had experienced. Yet now, after her rest, she didn't feel as bad as she had remembered. The fact she was able to stand was a good indicator that nothing too serious must have been damaged in the fall.

The fall.

Everything suddenly came rushing back to Missy in a tremendous wave the crashed onto her. Sweat formed beads on her head as memories flooded back and flicked before her eyes like scenes of a film. Then, going further back in her mind, it dawned on her the reason why she was in the forest in the first place.

"Missy! It's not a game anymore. Where are you?!"

Instantly, Missy was upon her feet and yelling at the top of her voice. Her limbs still felt oddly numb, and yet all discomfort was forgotten.

"Help! Help! I'm here!" Missy hollered without any idea who was calling.

She didn't dare run in case she only got further lost, but stayed rooted to the spot, tears streaming. Straining her ears, Missy thought she heard the sound of leaves crunching. The next time the person called out, she swore they were getting closer. 

"I'm here! Please, I'm here!"

Yes, it was most definitely leaves. And, now they were nearing her, she could almost certainly say it was Georgie looking for her. 

"Finally!" Georgie shouted, breaking through the trees with such suddenness that Missy jumped.

Georgie was not one for affection, but still scooped Missy into an awkward and lopsided hug.

"For goodness sake, what were you doing?!" Georgie demanded.

"Hide and seek..." Missy replied stupidly.

There was pure anger behind Georgie's eyes, but it was clear that he was holding it back. He sighed over and over again, although Missy wasn't sure if it was with relief or annoyance.

"You look a state! Where were you hiding, a bog?" He said.

"No. I was hiding in a tree! It was so high, Georgie, honestly. Come see!"

Georgie followed Missy through the woods towards where she had climbed. However, when she was standing there, it didn't seem to look as impressive. Somehow, the tree seemed smaller, as if it had shrunk as soon as she had turned her back.

"I think it was this one..." Missy mumbled uncertainly.

"Come on Missy! We've been looking for ages for you, I don't want to stand around looking at a tree." 

Missy huffed irritably. With her rage, the pain began to ebb through her again, but it was a dull ache that caused her no more discomfort than a headache would. She massaged her shoulder where she had taken the biggest hit, but Georgie failed to notice. A part of her wanted to tell her brother about the fall, but as much as she wanted to, she knew that Georgie would tell her mother. And the last thing Missy wanted was Mary knowing.

Missy's Book of MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now