Double Detention

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All Missy could do was stare dumbfoundedly at the sight before her eyes. Sheldon was still trying to keep his stance, glaring at the class as if they were the problem. His pleads were not heard over the voice of the principal, who was quivering with fury, his blue eyes bulging. The laughter had been cut short, and some of the class still had their mouths hanging open. I

In only seconds, Sheldon was swooped off the table and dragged out of the room by the shoulder. His clothes still lay neglected in a heap on the floor. Ms. MacElroy, still panting, dropped into her seat, clutching her forehead and trembling all over. 

"R...right..." She said once the homeroom door slammed shut. 

She didn't look up to address the class, instead kept staring at her hands in front of her. It was quite clear this was an experience that didn't happen very often. 

"Chat amongst yourselves, I will be back," The teacher assured before hurriedly rushing out the door. 

Instantly the room erupted into chatter and laughs, no doubt remarking about what had just happened only a few minutes ago. The messy haired boy even turned in Missy's direction and nudged her knowingly, as if to say 'your brother is a nutter'. She turned and smiled but her mind was too full to say anything. The thing that stumped her was the fact that although Sheldon had been caught, she hadn't. She was still sitting innocently with no ties to Sheldon's shocking performance. It was all so peculiar that she too resorted to staring down at her hands like Ms had. But she couldn't pretend this was all Sheldon's fault. This day had gone way too far, and he was going to get in serious trouble if she didn't own up. Surely they couldn't punish her if she didn't attend the school?

Slowly, Missy eased herself out of the chair and walked towards the door, somewhat in a trance. This was the biggest mistake of her life. There was no good ending for this. She had never been in the principal's office and had no clue how to get there, but the corridors were so deserted it was easy to find. The door stood looming in from of her. Outside the door was 3 chairs on either side, all of them empty. Sheldon must be inside, she thought. Missy didn't dare knock, she only could sit outside and wait. 

And wait.

And wait.

By the time the door creaked ajar, Missy had just about given up. She could have sworn she had almost fallen asleep in the chair. But she was wide awake now as she peeped around the door, trying to get a glimpse of her brother. His eyes were red and swollen, his whole body was drooping and he sniffed with every step he took. Missy gasped. Sheldon hardly ever cried and when he did, it was nothing like what he was doing now. Glancing around the doorframe she saw the principal standing next to his desk, massaging his temples and straightening his 'Principal Peterson' name card. He looked stressed, but the element of anger she had seen before seemed to have faded. 

As soon as the door shut behind Sheldon, she flung herself onto him, giving him the biggest hug possible. His body stiffened and, despite the situation the two were currently in, Missy couldn't help but smile at his reaction. At least he was acting somewhat normal.

"What happened in there?" Missy interrogated, ignorant to the fact Sheldon was still almost completely in the nude. 

A small chuckle came from over her shoulder and she had to hold the boy at arms length to be sure it had come from him.

"What's funny?!" 

As far as Missy was concerned today was not exactly laughable.

"I really do have a way with words." He stated proudly.

Missy frowned at her brother, still not following.

"Sometimes, all you have to do is talk," he purred slowly.

"What... are you on about?"

The intoxicated child was really testing his sister's patience.

"For future reference, Principal Peterson is more gullible than a baby sea turtle solving riddles. He believed everything I spouted in there. Mixed with a touch of waterworks, playing the victim and turning the blame, he now thinks I'm a sad misinterpreted kid at the centre of a funny joke." 

Sheldon stopped and waited but Missy didn't have a reply. It didn't help that the majority of what he had just said made no sense whatsoever.

The boy sighed, as if explaining was such a hardship. 

"I told the principal some of the boys had cornered me at lunchtime and made me a deal. I could stay at this school in peace if I gave them something good to laugh for. I had only intended to stand on the table but I saw them egging me on and I knew what I was doing wasn't enough. I could only think that if I made myself a clown today, I would be fine for years to come. I was horrified when I realised what I had done but it was too late to take it back."

The excuse was so elaborate and well thought that Missy almost believed it herself. Of course, only Sheldon would be able to find a way out of getting in trouble.

"Did he ask you which boys?" Missy asked.

She wanted to make sure Sheldon wasn't hiding any details.

"Yeah. The three boys at the start of the register."

Missy thought back to the homeroom.

"Aidan, Joshua and one mor-"

"... SHELDON!" Missy cried.

Sheldon stared at his sister- now it was his turn to be confused.

"Georgie! Georgie Cooper! Please tell me you didn't say our brother was bullying you."

Sheldon sniggered lightly and mouthed 'oops'. Missy was too stunned to react and could only clutch her brother for support. 

"What was the punishment?" Missy whispered somewhat menacingly. 

She wasn't sure she wanted to know.

"Their parents have come in and formally apologise to yours truly." He pointed at himself. "We also have to attend a group session with all the parents and offenders discussing what has happened and how to prevent it happened again. And not to mention volunteering in the canteen and detentions for a week." Sheldon explained.

Missy shook her head. This was bad, really bad. What made it even worse was that Sheldon didn't realise it.

"Of course, I didn't get off completely scot free. The silly man must have made the connection between my speech and your attendance. It was more of a struggle to get you out of trouble. He was getting suspicious so I said you had followed me to school, being young and stupid as you are. I told him I assumed it must be because you felt more safe with me than you did at home. Don't worry, he thinks you egged me on to stand on the table, but he knows you weren't the only reason." 

In these past couple of hours, Missy had been almost constantly speechless but this took the cake. Not only was her brother in trouble, but she was as well. And, worst of all, her parents. What was perhaps the most astounding was the fact Sheldon was receiving not an ounce of punishment. Not even a drop. Their brother was now a bully, she was a stalker and her parents were unsafe. But Sheldon was an innocent victim. This was unbelievable.

Today was supposed to be fun. For once, Sheldon was going to be the thick one and Missy the one laughing at the side-lines. And yet somehow, drunk and unintentionally, he had still outsmarted her. She couldn't let this go on any longer. 

"It was me!" She burst out suddenly.

"It's my fault, all of this."

Even as the words left her mouth, she couldn't be sure if this was the right choice. The punishments Principal Peterson had given were bad as it was, but the punishments her parents would find her when they discovered what had happened would be much, much worse. But this wasn't just about her now. 

This was her family. 

Missy couldn't bring herself to think what Sheldon would do to her when the drink had worn off. If detention was the worse school penalty they had to offer her, going home would be like double detention. 

All the young girl could think of was one thing.

"Why did I ever do this?"

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