6 Mal

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So we all stayed in Auradon and Mal, became the main star of all the news.
My hand and arm was slightly burned during that incident with Maleficent but it healed now, only a very small and hard to see scar was left.
Everyone else was fitting in so well except for me. I had good enough grades but I didn't belong, I felt lost. No matter how hard I tried to except this life in Auradon, I just am not meant to be here.

It had been a couple months since Ben had his coronation. I was sitting on my bed reading as Evie was fitting Mal who has blond hair now, in a yellow and blue dress she was making.

"Okay, Evie, I cannot breathe."

"Well, you can breathe after Cotillion." Evie told her.

"I sincerely doubt that." Mal says.

"Evie, Mal needs to be alive for Cotillion, not pass out from lack of air." I tell her.

"No, it's not just that. I have at least 20 more events directly behind it. And I can't even remember what a single one of them is." Mal says. "Do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?"

"All the time." I answer truthfully.

We hear music from the TV, Mal go's to sit on her bed and of course it was another thing about Mal, this one was about her tour of the Kingdoms. I go back to reading as Evie talks with Mal.

     "This spell book... and your pixie dust, belongs in the museum along with my Mirror." Evie said raising he voice so I could hear.

     "Evie you know very well. If anyone touches my pixie dust I will slit their throat." I say not looking up from my book. Evie sigh's.

     "You don't ever miss running wild and just breaking all the rules?" Mal asked us, I look up.

     "Like stealing and lying and fighting?" Evie asked.

    "Yeah." Mal says.

    "Of course." I answer.

    "No." Evie says.


    "Why would we?" Evie go's and pulls Mal off the bed she looks at me then at Mal. "Look at where we are. We're in Auradon. And we're Auradon Girls now." I sigh in sadness. "This is the land of opportunity. We can be whatever we want to be here. So, please, both of you, let's just leave the past in the past, okay? Besides... I mean, look at the shoes. Look at them."

    "Severe." Mal comments.

Later on Jay, Carlos, Evie, I and Mal were walking together around school.

    "Jay." Many girls call when he passes.

    "Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already." Carlos told Jay.

     "I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them." Jay answers as he waves to some Girls.

    "That's cruel." I say.

    "Ok. Who are you going with then?" Jay asked me.

    "No one." I tell him.

    "Come on (Y/n), your a smart, beautiful Girl, there has to be some Boy you like." Evie pushes as Jay and Carlos walk of continuing talking.

     "There is." I answer quietly but she heard.

    "Who!" Evie asked extremely excited.

    "No one, no one important. Besides I'm not sure how he feel's about me. He might hate me for being here." I answer honestly.

"I'm sure he loves you, trust me." She encourages.

"I hope your right." I say then I walk off.

I go and wait in the Amphitheater for Jay and Carlos to start fencing practice, I usually watch them.
Everything went as usual but this one person stood out from the rest. They were significantly better than everyone else on the team. And after a very interesting battle with Jay, they removed their mask, revealing Lonnie.
But just as Jay was considering her for the team, in came sexist Chad with the stupid rule saying that "A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men."
And of course Ben must follow the rules doesn't allow her to join.
I watch as Lonnie leaves. I go after her.

    "Lonnie. It might just be the kindness of Auradon rubbing off on me but I don't think you should give up. If you want at the same time the Boys are practicing I can help you practice." I offer.
She happily agrees and I leave.

I walk around the school a bit thinking about the Isle, before I go back to my dorm. Not long after Evie rushes in.

"Have you seen Mal?" Evie asks panicked.

"No? Why." I look at her confused.

"I can't find her anywhere." Evie says worried.

"Hey, E, take a deep breath and calm down. She's probably with Ben, go talk to him." I tell her and she runs off.

But she got me thinking. I look to the coat hanger where Mal's jacket from the Isle usual is, but it was gone. I walk over to the tank where Mal's Mom stays but she was gone as well, then I noticed a note on the desk and a ring.

"Shit." I grab the note and ring then I leave the room. Quickly running after Evie.

"Evie!" I call and she turns around.

"(Y/n), have you found her." Evie says hopefully.

"Not exactly." I hand Evie the note and she looks it over, her face changed from hope to sadness.

"Mal's gone back." She asks already knowing the answer, I nod. "I'll get Ben, and you change back into your old clothes. Then meet me and the Boys outside in 30 minutes." I nod, but the moment my back is to her a smile spreads across my face.
I change into my old clothes, to be honest they weren't much different than the ones I still wear now.
As soon as I'm done I run out and meet the others outside in the dark and meet the others.
Ben tosses Jay the keys to the limo and the remote to open let us in the Isle.

"Wait, somethings wrong." Evie stops and says. We all look at her and she pulls Ben's hat down slightly. "There."

"Shotgun." I turn around to see a Dog, Dude.

"No, Dude, stay. The Isle is way too dangerous." Carlos tells the Dog.

"Did he.." I start.

"Talk? Yeah, I know. I'll tell you later." Carlos answers and we all hurry in the car.

"Okay. Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage." Evie tells Jay.

Love comes first //Harry Hook x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now