18 Beast

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(I am sorry for how long it's taken for me to write this I just have been busy, and needed to think of how the story will go)

The moment all the Knights pile up motionless I put my sword back in my belt and look up. Harry was standing in front of me as the others celebrated.
Harry put his hand on my cut cheek and whipped off some blood.

    "I'm fine." I tell Harry, clearly I wasn't.

He knew that he would get nowhere if he continued with that. "You were amazing, love. How'd you do that?" Harry asked instead. As he looked over at the single Knight laying on the ground with a hole through its Armour.

"Strength, anger, and just a little bit of pixie dust." I smile, Harry gives me a proud look.

Uma and Gil joined us celebrating the victory, Harry moved to my side and put his arm around me.

"You ok?" Uma asked giving a quick look over the cut on my arm and cheek.

"Of course." I reassure her.

"Guys, come on. This was so great." Evie said as she stood in the middle of our two groups standing across from each other. "We were a team. We worked together. Come on." Evie tried to reach for Mal but Mal just pushed her off.
"Come on." Evie tried the same thing with Uma but Uma just looked at her arm where Evie touched in disgust.
Evie sighed then put her hands on her hips. "You know what we should try? An icebreaker."

Of course I groan as she flips her long blue hair back and turned towards my group.

"You say something you really like about the other person, okay?" Evie explained. "I'll start."
Her eyes scanned the four of us before landing on Harry who was holding his breath and trying to completely avoid eye contact with her.

I watch Evie tilt her head before opening her mouth,"Harry."
Harry sighed the moment she said his name.

"Great accent." She complimented him. "Now, you go." Evie said kindly.

"Is she always this perky?" Uma asked annoyed.

"Sometimes." I say to Uma.

"Oh, it wasn't really your turn, but thank you." Evie said in a kind tone to Uma.

"Okay. Evie, come here." Mal said walking up and gently grabbing her arm.

"Yeah." Evie turned to face Mal.

"I love this energy, but we are very short on time. Audrey clearly knows that we're here and we need to get out of here, ASAP." Mal said to Evie.

"All right, where does this cheerleading bunk down? Even if she's not there, we might find some sort of clue." Uma said stepping forward.

"Actually, she's still in the dorms." Evie said.

"Unfortunately." I add.

"You're right." Mal said ignoring my comment. "Because of summer school."
I only stayed at the school still, because I don't feel like living with Evie full time. I mean she's a great friend, don't get me wrong, but I prefer not being asked every single detail of my relationship every morning.

"What? Summer school?" Harry laughed loudly. "Summer school! No wonder she wants revenge." I laugh with him.

Love comes first //Harry Hook x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now