11 Unexpected Arrival

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The flash of the many cameras blinded me, and eager reporters and photographers flooded me with thousands of questions.
I stood there unsure what to say, knowing that Harry was definitely watching me on the small TV at the Chip Shop, back on the Isle.
I took deep breaths and walked off, onto the boat.
The deck was crowded with people dancing everywhere, a couple Boys asked me to dance but I rejected them. I stood off to the edge of the boat looking off at the Isle wishing Harry was here. My thoughts were interrupted but the royal trumpets being blown. I walked over to Evie and Doug, watching the stairs.

     "The future Lady Mal." The Announcer said.

Jay & Lonnie, Carlos & Jane came over to us waiting for Mal.
Everyone gasped as she walked around the corner. Her dress was blue and yellow, her purple hair was in a side braid and on top of her head was a small crown. We cheered and clapped.
She stepped down the stairs and Beat/ Ben's Dad took her hand helping her down the rest. Ben's Parents talked to her for a bit before Evie went over to her and they walked back to the rest of us. Mal was very nervous.
Soon more trumps sounded and we all turned back to the stairs.

"King Benjamin!" The Announcer said, everyone one clapped and cheered. Ben came round the corner in a shiny blue suit with his crown on. We bow and he starts to walk down. Mal go's forward to him, and everyone goes quiet.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain." I heard Ben say to Ben then he turns to look up at the stairs.

My mouth fell open when I saw Uma come round the corner. She had on a blue dress and her blue braided hair was in a bun.
Murmur's and gasps filled the ship as she walked down the stairs. Evie, Jay and Carlos looked at me.

"I didn't bring her here." I whisper as they all look back at Uma.
Ben walked up to her taking her hand and walking down the rest of the way with her.
When they reached the bottom Ben turned towards Uma and kissed her hand.

I was happy to see Uma and I instantly know why she is here, but stealing another Girl's Boy in front of everybody is cold. We'll forget what Mal did to Audrey.
I watched as Ben walked over to Mal with Uma.

"Sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." Ben explained to Mal as I eavesdropped.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked very broken but kept strong.

"I'm saying..."

"It was love." Uma finished for him. "It was I just... I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

"We are. Your so beautiful." Ben said to Uma forgetting about Mal.

"Ben. Ben." The second time Mal said that they both turned. "Did you go back for her?" Even though I couldn't see Mal's face I knew she was trying not to cry.

"He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer, so..." uma told Mal.

"You are." Ben complimented her.

"Thank you." Uma laughed.

Uma let go of Ben's hands and walked to stand in front of Mal. Uma took Mal's hands. "Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you. I do. For everything." Uma went in and hugged Mal. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Uma let go and stepped back.

"Don't you see, Mal? You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you loved me. Thank you." Ben said leaning over Uma's shoulder.
Music started to play and Uma and Ben danced.

Evie walked over to Mal and brought her to us.

"Not too thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos said.

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