Chapter 3 part 2 new friends? Sabo and Ace

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(Sorry you guys I am lazy today so this is going to be kind of boring I'm so sorry. But I hope you enjoy)

(So Luffy, Sabo and Ace became friends. And they began to live with Dadan and the rest.)

(Your Name) "Luffy yelled" meet my new friends, the blond one is Sabo and the black haired one is Ace. Hi nice to meet you" ace and Sabo both said" nice to meet you too "you reached out your hand."

(Slowly you four became great friends, and you even began to go adventure with the three.)

(Once you were attacked by a bear, or a crocodile. Even tho it was scary it was all memories to cherish) (slowly you grew up loosing Sabo. That made you sad for a while since it reminded you of losing a family member.) (When you got older Shanks began to visit less, it made you sad usually he came once a month or two, since it wasn't easy to sail the seas. But slowly he came les and less.)

(Now you are 13 Luffy is 14 and Ace is 17) (and you hadn't seen Shanks in 10 months you waited every day, but he didn't come)

I am dso so so sorry this is hella short. please forgive me

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