The distance/ is Luffy sick?

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A/N I am so so sorry for not posting a new chapter In weeks. But I've been extremely sick the last few weeks. And I'm coughing continuously. And my throat is sore, my head is ringing and hurts. etc. I will try to post a bit again. Even tho I am still sick, but I'm feeling way better than before. But if I don't post soon then you guys just need to know that I will post eventually. So please just stay patient. And please like and comment. Now enjoy this chapter oh and before we start (sorry) I just want to say that the start of this chapter is about age and stuff. And I'm really bad at math so if I calculated wrong, I'm sorry. And please do tell me in the comments. OK NOW LET'S BEGIN

It has been a 1 year and 6 months. (meaning that you are 14, 15 in under a week, and Luffy is 15, 16 in three months and Ace is 18.) (Sorry to intrude your story. But I just want to say that. I know Luffy's birthday is 5 may. And by me saying your birthday is a few months before his, is just like me deciding when you were born. I totally understand that in a Reader x character story you're not supposed to change the Reader. But I'm sorry just for the sake of the story, your birthday is around the end of February, AGAIN I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE THIS BUT I HAD TO) since you, and Naomi had made the contract. You have gotten much stronger. And now you don't have to worry about something happening to you. And Luffy didn't have to worry about you. But it somehow annoyed you. When you weren't strong Luffy, and you were close. Since for some reason you always needed to be saved, and was targeted by people for no reason.


But ever since you made the contract with Naomi he began distancing. Now the only times you talk to him, is if you are hunting or training. It gets very lonely. You don't even remember the last time you had a decent conversation with him. It makes you sad.

It was night and you just came home from a long day of training with Luffy. Today when you were training you could see there was something wrong with him. He looked so gloomy, there was clearly something on his mind.

You went into your room and began unpacking, you then noticed that your necklace gone, you always take it off when you practice, and put it in your bag. But it wasn't there. If it were a normal necklace, you wouldn't have cared. But it was one Ace had sent to you, after he went to sea. And you really liked it. You began panicking. You were really scared you didn't want to lose your favorite necklace. You wanted to go into Luffy's room to ask him about it. You made it to his room and was about to knock on his door. but as soon as you lifted your arm you chickened out. You went into your room, getting your coat on. You were thinking you had probably forgotten it at the training spot. You wore you shoes and was about to leave. When someone called your name.

"(Your Name)? where are you going" you heard a voice. It was Luffy. "(this is weird, why is he asking? Is he worried? Why?)" you thought to yourself then turned around. Oh, hey Luffy, I lost my necklace, you know the one Ace gave me. I was just on my way back to get it" you began explaining, while scratching the back of your head "necklace? Is it (Your Favorite Color) with flames and a spade on it?" Luffy asked tilting his head. "yeah, that's the one, have you seen it?" you asked getting exited. Hoping that he had seen it "oh yeah it's in my room, I must have accidently taken it when we were packing" he said turning around and walking to his room "really?!" you said exited, and walking after him, you were about to enter his room when he stopped you "stop don't come in" you heard his voice through the door. you then just stood outside of his room, waiting for him to come out. You were curious of why he didn't want you to enter his room. "(does he hate me?)" you began to wonder. But your thought were ruined when Luffy opened his door. you tried to look in his room but he barely opened it. He was clearly hiding something from you. "Here this is your necklace right?" he asked handing a necklace to you. "yeah this is the one, thank you so much Luffy. I really thought I lost it." you said giving him a hug. It felt good giving Luffy a hug. Not only because you were happy that he had your necklace. But also, because you missed hugging him, and feeling his warmth on your body. You just stood there for a while hugging him, you wanted the moment to last forever. But eventually you backed away. "Thanks again" you said looking in to Luffy's eyes. You were stunned. He didn't look wierded out or anything like that. He had a big smile on his face. "Any time (Your Name)" he said then going into his room.

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