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I heard Shanks yelling my name. "y/n where are you? Don't you want to explore this island with us?" he called out. I walked out of the kitchen. "Sure, if it'll help me digest 12 pancakes" I uttered. Shanks grinned at me. "let's go" Shanks exclaimed. I looked at him with a confused look. "You really expect me to go out in the public eye wearing your coat and Lucky Roo's oversized t-shirt and pants?" I said and Shanks nodded "you got to be kidding me!" I replied "we don't have any other clothes for you. But we can go and buy some" Lucky Roo budded into the conversation. I smirked "you know what that doesn't sound too bad. LET'S DO IT!" I spoke loudly.

It was awkward walking down the street with the most hideous outfit i had ever worn but we were gonna buy new clothing soon, so i didn't think too much of it. As soon as I saw a clothing store I spoke "I wanna go to that store!" Shanks looked at the big sign it said [MOLLE'S STORE] with big bold glowy letters. "Molle's store Ey?" Shanks whispered to himself, but I heard him. "Sounds familiar?" I asked him. "Yeah, I knew a girl named Molle" he grinned "But she was kidnapped by some pirates, never saw her after that" Shanks stayed quiet for a moment and so did i. "was she special to you?" I asked. "She was just a moody teenager I met on my journey. She was a lot like you" Shanks walked into the store, and I followed him.

I looked around the store in awe. There were so many types of clothing. Anything I could wish for. Dresses, shirts, shorts, skirts, hats, t-shirts, pants, jeans, everything! "wow" I said. I saw a girl walk up to us. "Hi, my name is Hana. If you need anything I would love to help" she smiled at me then looked at Shanks. Her face shifted to one of fear when she saw him. She looked back down at me; her expression was giving 'do you need help? Are you okay?' I noticed her fearful expression and smiled. "Everything is fine" I gave her a thumbs up. She relaxed a bit, but her body was still tense.




I had grabbed a few pants and shirts. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. A girl barged into the store I looked at the direction of the noise came from. She looked the same age as me. "WHO IS IT?!" she shouted, and I looked at her blankly. Did she have no respect? Why was she just walking into random stores and screaming. I saw Hana walk up to her and whisper something in her ear.

The girls face shifted. "Shanks?" the girl mumbled. I figured that Hana had told her a pirate was in the store. But who was this girl? "a friend? Or maybe a worker" I asked Naomi.

Naomi stayed quiet, I knew she was awake, I could feel it. So why wasn't she responding? "Naomi?" yet again she didn't respond. I felt a shiver go down my spine. It was filled with fear and submission. like a heavy wight was placed on my body. A dark presence was in the air waiting to reveal itself. "Naomi?" I said again "run" "what?" I asked but I got no response.

I looked back at the girl, there was a grin on her face it went from ear to ear. "Shanks?!" she said louder, and Hana shushed her. "Shhh be quiet he might hear yo-" Hana tried to say before the girl ran further into the store. was she trying to find him? I decided to follow her.

She had long black hair. She was wearing baggy jeans and a white tight top it showed her curves in all the right spots. Her skin was flawless. She had some sort of eye patch on her left eye. I looked at her uncovered eye, she had beautiful deep brown eyes and unnaturally long lashes. She was so pretty like a doll. But at the same time, she had a dark aura round her. So dark that if you got too close to her you would be eaten from the inside out.

The store was big. She turned the corner and made it to the coat area when she saw him. "That red hair" I heard her mumble. Shanks looked up and saw her. His expression changed into a shocked, surprised one. "Shanks?" she said as she took a step toward him.


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