Reunion at last

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quick A/N: I was supposed to upload this Friday since I finished it but then a few things happened and I had to delay it. but now it's here I hope you enjoy it and vote pls. oh and also please tell me if there are any mistakes or anything might want me to add to the story.

 Two guards were escorting me, to the celestial dragon's room. One of them had cuffed me and the other was dragging me through the hallway. I was beginning to get PTSD. A glimpse of my young years kept popping up in my mind. When I was cuffed or hurt when they used me or rape me. I was starting to lose focus and my eyes were wide. My body was shaking, but at the same time, I couldn't seem to move. My breathing was shaky, and I began to lose consciousness. My head was spinning, and my body was shivering. I felt a foot on my back, and I fell forward. I snapped out of my trance and heard a man. "MOVE IT DAMMIT THE MASTER IS WAITING" the man shouted, the other man pulled my collar, and I stood up. I knew I could beat them if I wanted to. I knew I could escape but somehow, I had turned into the same girl I was 11 years ago. I was too scared to do anything except listen and obey. "Holy shit when you said you could handle It, I didn't think you were going to do this," Naomi said. "Why don't you shut up! You don't know what I'm feeling right now" The guard looked at me angrily when he thought I was talking to him. "What did you just say??!!" the man said angrily. "i-im sorry I didn't mean it, I was uhm talking to myself I'm sorry," I said with a careful voice. "Whatever just get up!" the man said, and I hurried to my feet. I began walking again after a little while we were in front of a huge door. "How big is this ship exactly?" I thought. One of the men knocked on the door. "Master the girl has arrived may she come in?" the man asked. "Let her in ASAP," the person on the other side said. I could hear his voice being filled with excitement and happiness. "Oh no, what have I gotten myself into" I mumbled. "I'm sorry miss but whatever the master wants he gets." The guard said in a sad tone before he opened the door and pushed me into the room.


I stumbled into the room and fell face-first on the wooden floors. "Ow," I whispered and got up. I look around the room and notice the same chubby man from earlier in his bed. "Oh, so pretty I think I want to keep you forever," the man said and got out of his bed. "What's your name?" he asked and looked at me with a stern tone. There was a whip beside his bed, and he grabbed it. My body stiffened when I saw him grab it. "No god no god please no, I'm sorry" I began to whisper ramble. The man whipped the ground. "I asked you something!" The man said in an angry tone. "M-my name Is... y...." my voice trailed off "Should I give him a fake name? No, I can't What if he finds out and hurts me" I thought "My name is Y/N Master" The man looked at me with enjoyment. "Hmm Y/N? That sounds weird. From now on your name is Doll, do you understand" Out of instinct I bowed "Yes master I understand" The man walked closer to me and put a finger under my chin. "You are so good; Now I want you to do something for me." He said as he lifted my chin and made me look at him. "Walk into that room, there in an outfit wear that, and come out" I saw the man as he began to smirk. I gulped loudly "Y-yes master," I said and impatiently began walking to the room. "I walked into the room and saw a black "slutty catsuit?" Naomi said as she looked at the suit through my eyes. "Now no I can't," I said as I collapsed to my knees. "it's happening all over again" I muttered. "Y/N just get up and escape, have we been training so hard for the last years for nothing?" Naomi claimed. "But I can't disobey, it's gonna happen all over again if I do" My eyes began to water. Naomi stopped talking when she could feel my sorrow. She didn't know what to do. I slowly grabbed the suit. "It's not what I think it is I'm just gonna model for him for a show or something. Yeah.... A show" I rambled. I began to undress. I looked at the suit and was very confused. The suit was mostly just laces and straps and I kept putting my head or one of my limbs in the wrong hole. After about 5 minutes of torture, I finally got it on. There was a body-sized mirror on the wall. I looked at myself and I would admit I looked good but when I remembered why I was doing this or what could happen that little smile I had on my face disappeared. Most of the suit was see-through like my arms or stomach. Around my chest area, it was laced. I sighed before I entered the room again, I turned the doorknob and walked back into the room. "The man perked up as he looked at me. His eyes widened and he smiled like he was a toddler who had gotten their first toy. "You look perfect, and I can't wait to use you," he said and began walking up to me. My eyes widened, and shivers ran down my spine. "Use me?" I mumbled. "Yes, use you. What else do you think the reason was for me making you wear such a pretty suit" The man beamed with excitement." He grabbed my arm as he cuffed my hands again.

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