a new friend?

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The next morning when you woke up, you felt a pair of rubber around your waist. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking away the tiredness. When you opened your eyes fully you saw a face? When you noticed who it was, and who was wrapping their arms around you. you Screamed "AHHHHH GET OFF ME" you tried to remove Luffy's arms of you, but they were only getting tighter. He was holding on tight but at the same time, very gently. "Luffy Luffy wake up!! And what are you doing in my bed" you said then remembered last night. You remembered that you were the one that let him sleep in your room. You face began turning a slight red. "gosh how embarrassing" you sighed. Usually when you're tired, it's the same as being drunk. You don't know what you're doing or saying. And you're clumsy and do dumb stuff. Being lost in your thoughts you didn't notice that while you were trying to remove Luffy's arms from your waist, you held his hands tight. They were so soft. Another blush formed across your face. You tried to wake Luffy again. Or at least make him let go of you. But he wasn't moving you decided to just let him sleep. He'll wake up eventually. Without noticing you dozed off again.

You hear a voice at the back of your head. "(Your Name)? are you sleeping?" you slowly opened your eyes. You could feel someone poking your check. "Hello, knock knock anyone home? Are you awake" "well if you keep bothering me like that then of course I'm gonna be awake." You said rubbing your eyes. You suddenly remembered that it was Luffy, and you jumped up. Making him let go of you. "What the hell Luffy?! Why did you have to hug me so tight" you said crossing your arms and looking to the side. "I'm sorry I was sleeping. I can't control it." He answered. "Well, are you at least feeling better? How has your head been felling, and your stomach?" "I'm way better I felt like I could run a marathon, and my stomach and head are feeling better too!" he said jumping out of the bed stretching his arms. "Well, it's a good thing, that you are feeling better. Can I check your temperature?" "sure"

After checking his temperature and everything else.

"Well, it looks like you're all better, gosh I feel like I could be a doctor right now" you said standing up, and chuckling a bit "does that mean I can train?!" he said, you could see a smile forming on his lips. "Is that all you care about. And yeah, you can train" you said. You were about to say something else when Luffy suddenly hugged you. "thanks, you're the best doctor ever! See ya" he said then left. "You can train everyday why are in such a rush" you yelled at him but he was already gone "he hasn't even eaten breakfast" you sighed then went to the bathroom. You took a bath and got ready. "good morning (Your Name) sleep well?" Dadan asked signaling to you to the seat beside her. "why did Luffy leave in such a rush? Why did he leave from your room? Is he feeling better? Do you know what day it is today?" she began asking you loads of questions. "Whoa relax one question at a time. I haven't even sat down yet" you said. After a while she asked you again. You answered most of her questions. Except the ones she didn't ask again. You finished your food. And began washing all the dishes. Dadan left you alone. You went to your room just to relax. You began (what ever you want). After a while. You checked the time noticing Luffy had been out for two hours. Usually he trains all day, but he always ends coming back home just to make you come with him. He hates training alone. But why hasn't he come home yet?! You began getting worried. "(what if he ate a poisonous mushroom or got in a fight)" you thought to yourself. You sighed and relaxed your body. "He's fine, just relax" you said getting your jacket and went outside. You hadn't been outside all day. You needed fresh air. As soon as you stepped out you felt the windy breeze. It was so nice. You went down to the city. You needed some new clothes afterall. You were looking at some shirts when you saw a regonisable straw hat. "Luffy?" you said and looked at the person wearing a straw hat. "Luffy" you yelled out running up tp him. He had a few bags. As soon as he saw you he began running. "Luffy wait up its just me, (Your Name)" you were running after him when you began slowing down. It made you sad. You suddenly rememberd the day where he didn't want you to enter his room. Again, the same words went thru your brain. "Does he hate me? He probably only talked to me because he was sick." you sighed and began walking slowly. You suddenly tripped. You were wearing a skirt. So, when you fell it flew up (im sorry if you don't wear skirts, just sake of this chapter). You heard a man's voice from behind you, you heard a whistle then "look at that fine cak-" the man was interrupted when you suddenly kicked him hard in the testicles. After all your trauma you have gotten fast reflexes. He fell to the ground. He began to groan in pain. "You bitch your gonna regret doing that" the man said. But you didn't care you just laughed. "You won't be laughing after I have dealt with you" the man said said standing up. "Regret that how? I think that kick made you lose brain cells, if you had any. maybe I should do it again." You said "you won't be saying that after I I'm done with you, and then after I think I'll take you to my house" the man said. "To your house? I want to make a few things clear." You said getting serious "1 im not going to a dumbster and 2 how are you even supposed to take me "home" if you can even stand up straight. Men like you are pathetic" you said, you then began running up to him. He was about to punch you when you suddenly were behind him "boo" you said than kicked his back making him fall face flat on to the ground. you were about to hit him again when you saw a police officer at the corner of your eye. "You know what? You are way to pathetic for me, I don't even want to kill you." you said and turned around. You decided you were just gonna tell the police man. You were wearing a button up shirt, you opened a few of the buttons. To make it seem like you were the victim. "Police officer please help" you pretended to have hurt your leg. The police officer looked at you with concerned eyes. "young lady are you ok?!" he ran up to you, seeing your hurt body. "(you dumb shit of course im not okay)" is what you wanted to say. "Who did this to you?!" he asked. "that man, over there he tried to rape me. But I kicked him. Please help me" you said, fake tears began to roll down your face.

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