The promise

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You woke up, noticing you were in your bed. "(it must have been Dadan, that put me in my bed)" you thought, you checked the time and saw it was around 11 pm, meaning everyone was asleep. you decided to read a book or something. After a while, your stomach began rumbling. So, you decided to get some food. You had only eaten some pancakes and fruits that day. So, you were hungry. You tip toed into the kitchen, hoping not to wake anyone up. When you got to the kitchen you saw a man figure. It scared making you fall back. The shadow looked at you. "Oh hey (Your Name), are you also here to eat some food?" the shadow said. "Luffy is that you?" you asked, trying to make his face out, but it was so dark you could barely see him. "Yeah, it's me. here take this" he threw a raw egg your way. You luckily caught it before anything else could happened. You looked at the egg and decided to make a fried rice. You stood up and turned on the light, wearing your apron and heating the stove. "What are you making?" Luffy asked curiously walking up to you "some fried rice, do you want one?" you asked turning around to face him. "sure, and can you add some meat to it?" he said smiling widely. Yeah, sure you said getting some meat walking to the fridge to get the ingredients.

You made a fried rice for you self with (your choice of toppings) and you made Luffy the same, just with some meat. You were sitting on the floor, enjoying your meal. When Luffy interrupted the silence. "So, I actually went in to your room earlier, to tell you but you were sleeping. ON THE GROUND." He said, beginning to laugh a bit. "As if you don't do that, I've seen you do that 100and millions of times." You spoke. Blushing a but from embarrassment "well I put you back in your bed, but that's not what i wanna talk about. What I actually want to talk about, is that I beat that man up. Oh, and he's in jail now" he smiled looking up at you. You looked at him in shock. "Jail? How?" you asked "well I beat him up, a lot of people were looking but I didn't care. So when I was about to leave I told him: this is what you get for raping mt friend. and I wa-" WHAT YOU SAID THAT, HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE" you yelled trying to be quiet. You didn't want anyone to know. "a few, but they don't know it was you" you face palmed, then signaled him to continue, telling the story. "So, anyways someone had called the police officers, I think it was the guy's wife. She thought I was beating up for no reason. So, the police officer arrived, right before I left. And he heard me say the rape part. So, he asked if he could talk to me, and I explained, everything. And that's how that disgusting man went to jail." You smiled at him and hugged him, making him fall on his back "even tho I didn't want you to do all that, I'm happy and proud of you. "Oh yeah and the man from yesterday was also arrested" Luffy said proudly. You couldn't help but hug him tighter he was the best.

After a while you let go of Luffy and sat back up. "Thank you" you mumbled. "that's why I'm here, to keep you safe" he smiled. You looked down and saw his plate was empty. "Do you want seconds?" you asked taking his and your own plate. "Hell yeah" he said loudly. "Shh be quite, you'll wake up Dadan." You said standing up and walking over to the kitchen to get Seconds.

you were adding the food to his plate, since you were full. "hey Luffy..." you were silent for a while "are you ok" he asked "yeah I'm fine... so I wanna talk to you about something" you said sitting down and giving Luffy his plate. He began stuffing his mouth "yeah what is it?" its private, can we go outside after you done eating?" Luffy seemed confused. he ate the whole thing in one go, then gave you the plate. "Ok then let's go out" you took his plate and quickly walked to the sink to wash it. You then walked to Luffy telling him to wear some shoes.


1) You and Luffy were walking In the forest. None of you spoke "so last night.. when I told you I had a nightmare" you finally spoke. "yeah I remember, what about it" he asked "it was about the thing" Luffy instantly knew what you were talking about. "It told me something." You said "and what was that?" Luffy curiously asked "so you know since Shanks can't come here that often, and Ace has also left. I only have you to protect me" you began explaining "i'll always be here to protect you" he said. "Thanks you, but that isn't what I want to talk about. So, it told me that it was willing to make a contract with me, to make me stronger. And I thought that it would be a good idea" you began fumbling with your fingers "ARE YOU CRAZY? NO WAY, YOU DON'T KKNOW WHAT THAT THING WILL DO TO YOU" he yelled. "BUT I'm doing this for you, I feel like I pressure you all the time. you always have to protect me. I couldn't even run away from a drunk man today. So, I was thinking if I make this deal, I can make you rest a bit. I don't want you to protect me all the time." You told him, but he didn't change his mind "AND WHAT ABOUT IM STRONG, AND I WANT TO PROTECT YOU. I'LL GO TO HELL AND BACK FOR YOU... do you not trust me? Is it because I'm a boy?" he asked lowering his voice, he sounded hurt. "that's not it at all, I just want to be able to stand up for myself. And I thought that this is a perfect opportunity" you said, almost crying. It began sprinkling. You and Luffy just stood in the rain in silence. As the rain got harder and harder. Luffy spoke, "fine whatever makes you happy, but if anything happens to you, I will not think twice about killing myself" Luffy said grabbing your hand. You looked at him with wide eyes. "KILLING YOURSELF WHY?!" you yelled pulling you hand back. "I promised Ace... I promised Ace, to protect you at any cost. And if I break that promise, I won't be able to live with myself. So I told Ace that if I can't protect you, then I don't deserve to live. He protested, but when I make up my mind it stays like that, and you know it." He said, taking your hand in his again. You began laughing "well then, if you want to protect me so badly, then I want you to not kill yourself if something happens to me" you said getting closer to him. "not happening" he said looking away from you. I began pouring like crazy and Luffy held you hand tightly, he began running, you followed him. He led you to a tree house. "guess we'll be staying here for tonight." Mt. Colubo was too far, to got to without getting a cold. How do you know this place?" you asked, looking around. It was so organized. "Me and Ace and Sabo use to come here all the time, after the incident with Sabo we still came." Luffy said. Luffy pulled out a blanket from a drawer that was in the tree house, "which one do you want?" Luffy asked, showing you a black fluffy blanket, and a grey fluffy blanket. "It doesn't matter. But what do I do with my clothes, I'm drenched." You spoke, you began shivering. "I think Ace left a hoodie or something In here somewhere, if not you can wear mine." Luffy began looking around. "Ahh here it is" Luffy handed you a black warm shirt with matching pants, and even socks. "thanks Luffy" you said giving him a smile. "but what are you gonna wear?" you asked. "I have some clothes somewhere here too. Its fine" you took the clothes from him, you walked in a corner. Luffy was looking at you in confusion. You looked at Luffy, seeing him staring right at you. "Are you not gonna turn around. Or close your eyes?" you said. "why do I have to do that, can I not look at you." You blushed a bit "no you can look at me just not now. I'm gonna change clothes" you mumbled, just loud enough so Luffy could hear you. "are you hiding something from me?" Luffy asked, getting all serious and stuff. "JUST LOOK THE OTHER WAY" you yelled at him. "Sorry ma'am" Luffy said turning around. "You took off your clothes. "Luffy did you just call me ma'am?" you asked holding back laughter. "What was I supposed to do your scarry when you get mad." Luffy said. "I'm not mad" you said getting the pant son. "does that mean I can look at you?" Luffy asked. "NO, not yet." You told him "see this is what I mean, your scary" you began laughing, you couldn't hold it back anymore. "hey what's so fun" Luffy said before you interrupted him "you can look now" he turned around and caught a quick glimpse of your stomach. He got a slight blush on his face. "Luffy? Are you blushing?" you ask din confusion "WHAT?! Nooo no way" he tried to deny. "Why? You see my stomach all the time when I wear crop tops" you said chuckling a bit "I SAID I WASN'T BLUSHING" alright whatever you say.

After Luffy changed into his clothes, and you both went into bed.

"Hey Luffy..." you said. "Yeah, what is it?" he asked looking your way. "earlier, when you said you would go to hell and back for me... Did you mean that?" you asked in embarrassment "of course why wouldn't i?" he asked. "Oh no reason... uhm anyways good night.

that night you slept so peacefully like you had no care in the world.

yall  i usually write theese storys on word and use hours on them, even if they arent good i really try my best. today when i was about to post this chapter. i went into word and noticed i hadnt saved the file. i sweard i cried so much. and i used such a long time atleast 2 hours. and i was really not in the mood to do it again. i spent 3 hours on researching and finding ways to retrieve deleted files. and luckily after foreveer i found a solution. i hope you guys like it

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